Geo distance stats

I have the following query that works well:

        "bool": {"filter": [{"match": {"name.raw": name}}, {'match':{'store.raw': store}}]}
            "terms": {"field": "name.raw"},
            "aggs":{"stats_price": {"stats": { "field": "price"}}}
    "post_filter": {
                "distance": distance,
                "location": {"lon": lon, "lat": lat}

However I fail to find a version of this request where I would have the aggregation done per ring.

So that I would be the result of aggs :{"stats_price": {"stats": { "field": "price"}}} per ring within a range [{"from": 0, "to": 3}, {"from": 0}] (from 0 would be an aggregation on all the data)

Did you mean using a geo distance aggregation as opposed to the filter in your example?

I still want to use the post_filter but I fail to get the stats aggregation (using the geo distance aggregation) by bucket.
To clarify, is it possible to do something like:

                "field": "location",
                "origin": {"lon": lon, "lat": lat},
                "ranges":[{"from": 0, "to": 3}]
            "aggs": { "price_stats": {"stats" : { "field" : "price" } } }
    "post_filter": {
                "distance": distance,
                "location": {"lon": lon, "lat": lat}