geoIP failure


A few days ago, I updated my elastic cloud to version 5.5.3, and started to give me this error.

"error" => {"type" => "mapper_parsing_exception", "reason" => "failed to parse", "caused_by" => {"type" => "illegal_argument_exception", "reason" => "object field starting or ending with a [.] makes object resolution ambiguous: "}}}},: level =>: warn}

But to elastic 5.0 if I loaded the information correctly.

This I think has to do with the field of IP's, and geoip

This is my logstash.


I'm running with logstash 2.0


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Hi there

The issue continues, I was analyzing about the issue and the field geo.location was indexed as number not as geo_point. This way I have no problem when mapping my public IP's. When I update the template to change geo.location from number to geo_point, it works, but my public IP's doesn't map.

And shows me the same error "mapper_parsing_exception"


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