GEOIP / Nginx logs, no drop down in map visual

Interesting, I have the following and it doesn't work.

            "geoip": {
              "properties": {
                "continent_name": {
                  "ignore_above": 1024,
                  "type": "keyword"
                "country_iso_code": {
                  "ignore_above": 1024,
                  "type": "keyword"
                "location": {
                  "type": "geo_point"
                "latitude": {
                  "type": "half_float"
                "longitude": {
                  "type": "half_float"

I find it strange that I never have a field for "location" only ever "geoip.location.lon" ""

I must admit I got fed up with this and stopped troubleshooting it, even with a fresh install I have this problem.