Get Hierarchical Data...Pls Helppp!

I have a little problem with Elasticsearch...
I have products table.which looks something like this
1 IPhone 7 16 gb IPhone 7 1
2 IPhone 7 32 gb IPhone 7 0
3 IPhone 7 64 gb IPhone 7 0
4 IPhone X 16 gb IPhone X 1
5 IPhone X 32 gb IPhone X 0
6 IPhone X 64 gb IPhone X 0
what i am trying to do is to get ParentProducts and then get all child products with same modelname, but problem is that i can't get more than (declared size) products.I Was trying to get Parent Modeled Products with first query and than get child queries but it is not returning all the child modeled products because by defauld it has size 10 and i don't know what to do.
I am developing Elasticsearch on .net.This is what it looks like...

This query returns parentproducts...

var response = searchDescriptor.Size(50)
.Query(q => q
.Terms(c => c
.Query(z => z
.Bool(b => b
sh => sh
.Term(tt => tt.IsParent, true))));

Get ReturnedProducts ModelNames

var sameModeledIds = _client.Search(searchDescriptor)
.Hits.Select(x => x.Source.ModelName).ToList();

And than i have Method to get all the children samemodelnamedProducts

var modelNamedProductIds = FilteredModelNames(sameModeledIds);

For returning childrens Method Looks Like this...

private int[*] FilteredModelNames(IList modelIds)
var ressp = searchDescriptor
.Size(I dont need size i need to select all mathed data :((()
.Query(q =>
q.Terms(c =>
c.Field(x => x.ModelName.Suffix("keyword")).Terms(modelIds)))
.Query(z =>
z.Bool(b =>
b.Should(sh => sh.Term(tt => tt.IsParent, false))));

var resp = _client.Search(searchDescriptor)
.Hits.Select(x => int.Parse(x.Id)).ToArray();

    return resp; }

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