Get stem for word in elastic


I'd like to pass a sentence to Elastic and want the word's root/etymon/stem (don't know how to call).
I'm using the latest elastic and if it's possible I'd do it through the REST api.


You could use e.g. Porter Stem filter (if the text is english), or Snowball if it's english or many other languages, and then use the analyze API ( ) to see how a given chunk of text is translated to tokens...

Problem is that the text is hungarian. But I read here: Getting Started with Languages | Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide [2.x] | Elastic
that there is a 'built-in' language analyzer, and I want to test that if it's fit for my requirements or not.

EDIT: and the other thing is that I'm not interested in the tokens, but in what is the result of stemming for the words...

The stemmer runs after tokenization for these language specific analyzers, I think (not sure if it does for Hungarian though). Just try using the Hungarian analyzer and see how it tokenizes?

Okay, finally I managed to configure a hunspell analyzer with a hungarian dictionary and it works.