Get the top 10 host in composite query with agregation

Hi, Im trying to emulate the anomaly explorer in a custom vega-lite visualization, for that I need to get the top ten host based on the sum of their anomaly record_score, I have tried with this query but the record_scores I get are always 0.0

GET .ml-anomalies*/_search
  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "my_buckets": {
      "composite": {
        "size": 10,
        "sources": [
            "r_score": {
              "terms": {
                "field": "record_score"
            "host": {
              "terms": {
                "field": "partition_field_value"
            "date": {
              "date_histogram": {
                "field": "timestamp",
                "interval": "24h"
      "aggregations": {
        "the_sum": {
          "sum": {
            "field": "record_score"

I need to use composite query because is easy to get the data for vega-lite.

Any recomendation on how can I achieve this?

Composite always produces the top N based on the sort order of the chosen key, not that of a child aggregation like a sum.
You can use the terms aggregation to sort by an order based on child aggregations. This wizard walks through the options.

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