Get Unique Values for Elastic UI Donut Charts

I would like to show the total unique count of vendors in the middle of the donut chart, but by default the total count comes. Is there a way to show the unique number of vendors?
In the below image instead of 98 it should be shown as 5

The code added as the first layer is shown below

      groupByRollup: () => '',
      nodeLabel: () => 'Total',
      shape: {
          fillColor: 'black',

Hi Thanks for asking, I kindly suggest you to post your questions related to elastic-charts here for a faster response time.

In the meantime the short answer is no, this is not possible to show a title/total number in the center of a pie chart. We are actually in the process of choosing a slightly different approach bu pushing the total/center value outside the pie, like it is shown here for the circular gauge Small multiple for gauges/bullet graph · Issue #1235 · elastic/elastic-charts · GitHub

This has some benefits: will be aligned with the rest of the charts we are currently improving/developing, and the text/value has way more space available, then when rendered within a small circular space.

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