Getting Error "Exiting: /usr/share/filebeat/data/filebeat.lock: data path already locked by another beat. Please make sure that multiple beats are not sharing the same data path ("

Hi Everyone,

We have a central system to monitor logs for all the K8s clusters pods including specific label.
There are specific pods for which we want to setup a different pre-processing system but when we are deploying a different filebeat daemon set it is throwing us below error:
"Exiting: /usr/share/filebeat/data/filebeat.lock: data path already locked by another beat. Please make sure that multiple beats are not sharing the same data path ("

The error is expected, but has anybody faced this scenario and can help any alternative for this.
We have given below path in filebeat:-
- /var/log/containers/*${}.log
And redirected our application log to stdout.

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