Getting error in importing multiple collections from mongodb to elasticsearch 7.7.0

ERRO[0001] _bulk failed list [0] error="&elastic.ErrorDetails{Type:"illegal_argument_exception", Reason:"Rejecting mapping update to [my_application1] as the final mapping would have more than 1 type: [test_collection1, test]", ResourceType:"", ResourceId:"", Index:"", Phase:"", Grouped:false, CausedBy:map[string]interface {}(nil), RootCause:*elastic.ErrorDetails(nil), FailedShards:map[string]interface {}(nil)}" executionID=1 id=5d4a922f033fa855be972a26 index="my_application1" type=test version=5 writer=elasticsearch

I am trying to import data from my mongodb database to elasticsearch 7.7.0 using Transporter but its only taking one collection from my database and showing this above error.

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