Getting error in logstash output email plugin?

Error :

[2020-11-24T14:24:59,453][ERROR][ ][main] Something happen while delivering an email {:exception=>#<Net::SMTPAuthenticationError: 504 5.3.3 AUTH mechanism PLAIN not available

my output config :

email {
to => ''
from => ''
subject => 'Alert - %{title}'
body => "Tags: %{tags}\n\Content:\n%{message}"
domain => ''
username => ''
password => '**************'
port => 587
authentication => 'plain'
use_tls => 'true'

logstash version : 7.4

any idea why am i getting error ?

You have set authentication => 'plain' and the SMTP server is telling you that it does not support that.

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