Getting exception "Timed out while waiting for a dynamic mapping update"

we have dynamic mappings for our indices, we are receiving below exception while bulk indexing using kafka-connect-elasticsearch plugin

type: mapper_exception, reason: timed out while waiting for a dynamic mapping update

after some google search we came across a setting "dynamic_timeout" which we increased 600 seconds. still we are seeing the same exception

cluster settings after the update

  "persistent": {
    "indices": {
      "mapping": {
        "dynamic_timeout": "600s"
  "transient": {
    "cluster": {
      "routing": {
        "allocation": {
          "node_concurrent_recoveries": "6",
          "enable": "all"
    "indices": {
      "mapping": {
        "dynamic_timeout": "600s"
      "recovery": {
        "max_bytes_per_sec": "600mb"

any help would be very helpful
version used: 8.12.2

Please let me know if you need any additional information

Thanks for reaching out, @sibasish.palo. This guide might be helpful a starting point here.

Thank you for the response @jessgarson
in the shared link, in the video its mentioned there is a free template optimizer available, how do i access that.

can you please help me with that

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Thanks for following up, @sibasish.palo. I had a chance to connect with Sachin from the video, and it seems the free tools are no longer available. However, we are working on getting this added again in the future. I don't have an ETA for this at this time.

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we have increased the dynamic_timeout time out in the kafka-connect-elasticsearch plug-in as well. which fixed the problem for now.

we are working on simplifying the dynamic template to make it better optimized.

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Thanks for sharing your solution, @sibasish.palo.