Getting exception while storing the date field format as strict_hour_minute

Created a field with mapping strict_hour_minute.
running transform with group by field as below.
"PeriodStartDateTime": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "StartDateTime",
"fixed_interval": "15m"
},after running the transform while saving the period start date time in HH:mm format it is giving error as below in transform.

DateTimeParseException[Text '1618470900000' could not be parsed at index 2];; MapperParsingException[failed to parse field [newtimetestnew] of type [date] in document with id 'TAAwRQAyIhk-5v8CBxjfCPpPYYzQEgAA'. Preview of field's value: '1618470900000']; nested: IllegalArgumentException[failed to parse date field [1618470900000] with format [strict_hour_minute]]; nested: DateTimeParseException[Text '1618470900000' could not be parsed at index 2];; java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: failed to parse date field [1618470900000] with format [strict_hour_minute]]

can you please suggest how to save date field as HH:mm

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