Getting incomplete request body in Elasticsearch audit log

I have executed few security APIs , for those I am getting incomplete request body in Elasticsearch Audit log. Below are the example:

Query 1:

POST /_security/oauth2/token
"grant_type": "refresh_token",
"refresh_token": "vLBPvmAB6KvwvJZr27cS"

Audit Log:
{"type":"audit", "timestamp":"2023-12-29T10:48:51,458+0530", "cluster.uuid":"N4A0f0IaSEmDKajj14TcPw", "":"node-1", "Home | NODE.ID ":"IiljWrd3Tv2IghTMopvNaA", "":"DESKTOP-S1VTHGS", "host.ip":"", "event.type":"rest", "event.action":"authentication_success", "authentication.type":"REALM", "":"elastic", "user.realm":"reserved", "origin.type":"rest", "origin.address":"", "realm":"reserved", "url.path":"/_security/oauth2/token", "request.method":"POST", "request.body":"{"grant_type":"refresh_token"}", "":"OjNA0oFQQUyxnNm7RAJsjA"}

( Here we can see in above audit log "refresh_token": "vLBPvmAB6KvwvJZr27cS" this value is not getting in request body )

Query 2:

POST /_security/oauth2/token
"grant_type" : "password",
"username" : "test_admin",
"password" : "x-pack-test-password"

Audit Log:
{"type":"audit", "timestamp":"2023-12-29T10:48:27,620+0530", "cluster.uuid":"N4A0f0IaSEmDKajj14TcPw", "":"node-1", "Home | NODE.ID ":"IiljWrd3Tv2IghTMopvNaA", "":"DESKTOP-S1VTHGS", "host.ip":"", "event.type":"rest", "event.action":"authentication_success", "authentication.type":"REALM", "":"elastic", "user.realm":"reserved", "origin.type":"rest", "origin.address":"", "realm":"reserved", "url.path":"/_security/oauth2/token", "request.method":"POST", "request.body":"{"grant_type":"password","username":"test_admin"}", "":"wSTPJrfVQzGP_oBIxuXOcA"}

( Here we can see in above audit log "password" : "x-pack-test-password" this value is not getting in request body )

Please suggest for the above concerns is there anyone we can see complete request body(including confidential data like "password" and "token" etc..) in audit log for above security APIs

It is by design that sensitive data is not recorded in the audit log. There shouldn't be a good reason to log these things.

thanks for update

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