Getting items with Qty equal to 0

Hello , I am quite a beginner in elasticsearch . I really can't figure out how to get back items with qty as 0 , the problem is my index document is structured like this :

{ "children": [], "created": "2020-10-15T16:56:33", "updated": null, "title": "Bagru aFabric", "description": "", "sku": "1", "qty": 0.0, "product_category": "run", "fabric_combination": "060", "print_technique": "bgr", "design_number": "2555" }

And the next docuement is

{ "children": [ { "size": "m", "qty": "20.0" }, { "size": "l", "qty": "0.0" }, { "size": "xl", "qty": "0.0" }, { "size": "xxl", "qty": "20.0" }, { "size": "xxxl", "qty": "20.0" } ], "created": "2020-10-18T15:43:04", "updated": null, "title": "Yellow Jacket", "description": "", "sku": "2", "qty": 20.0, "product_category": "jkt", "fabric_combination": "060", "print_technique": "bgr", "design_number": "2555" }

Now I want items where either the one of the children has qty 0 or the main root qty is 0.

Currently my Elasticsearch query looks like this :

body = {'query': { 'bool': { 'must': { 'multi_match': { 'query': query, 'fields': ['*']} }, 'filter': { 'term': {'qty': 0}}, } } }

This only check for qty values at the root level , not the nested children. Also note I have not declared the children as a nested type , I just added it as an array .

Thanks a lot , any help would be much appreciated !

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