Deployed the elastic agent standalone in a kubernetes cluster and a agent policy is created with a kubernetes integration. Getting some of the metric visualizations of the pods,nodes,etc but when i checked the filebeat datastream getting the below error.
Document id: OkE9V4wB6fYG4zEHPya5
agent ```
"name": "UCRKEW1",
"id": "8fe35235-adb5-4133-a0d5-b50cffc352f3",
"ephemeral_id": "a04b96a5-b782-4826-844d-d5c610d250cd",
"type": "metricbeat",
"version": "8.11.0"
@timestamp "2023-12-11T04:57:59.973Z"
ecs ```
"version": "8.0.0"
service ```
"address": "unix/inputs",
"type": "http"
data_stream ```
"namespace": "default",
"type": "metrics",
"dataset": "elastic_agent.filebeat_input"
elastic_agent ```
"process": "filebeat",
"id": "8fe35235-adb5-4133-a0d5-b50cffc352f3",
"version": "8.11.0",
"snapshot": false
host ```
"hostname": "ucrkew1",
"os": {
"kernel": "5.4.0-162-generic",
"codename": "focal",
"name": "Ubuntu",
"type": "linux",
"family": "debian",
"version": "20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)",
"platform": "ubuntu"
"containerized": true,
"name": "ucrkew1",
"architecture": "x86_64"
metricset ```
"period": 60000,
"name": "json"
filebeat_input ```
"files_opened_total": 0,
"processing_time": {
"histogram": {
"p99": 0,
"min": 0,
"median": 0,
"max": 0,
"mean": 0,
"count": 0,
"p999": 0,
"stddev": 0,
"p95": 0,
"p75": 0
"input": "filestream",
"files_active": 0,
"messages_read_total": 0,
"id": "kubernetes-container-logs-kube-state-metrics-7685949f4b-wff7v-8a31ccb73407fb68e3766043df2616db5278f4827688a9395f4cc36629e6ad67",
"bytes_processed_total": 0,
"files_closed_total": 0,
"events_processed_total": 0,
"processing_errors_total": 0
event ```
"duration": 8799996,
"agent_id_status": "auth_metadata_missing",
"ingested": "2023-12-11T04:58:01Z",
"module": "http",
"dataset": "elastic_agent.filebeat_input"
##Our objective is to get the kubernetes container logs through that elastic agent. Kindly help us in this regard