Getting Transaction Name as 1#run only

Kibana version: 8.11.1

Elasticsearch version: 8.11.1

APM Server version: 8.11.1

APM Agent language and version: Java

Browser version: Latest

Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version: source

Fresh install or upgraded from other version? fresh installed

Is there anything special in your setup? For example, are you using the Logstash or Kafka outputs? Are you using a load balancer in front of the APM Servers? Have you changed index pattern, generated custom templates, changed agent configuration etc. NA

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant):-- Hi i have configured my apm agent with my application which is having a database, api & ui. I have provided the java -javaagent complete command with secret token, server url etc in a service file which is self created & using java to run as a service. I am able to get the metrics for my application like latency, throughput, errors. But in the field of transaction name i am getting 1#run.

By accessing api & ui i am trying to create more logs & metrics but it's not showing any more transactions.
while communicating through api with database it should show any POST/GET request etc as transaction name. Can you please help me out in this situation as i am not able to track the transaction request flow using apm.

Errors in browser console (if relevant): NA

Provide logs and/or server output (if relevant):


Does your application is using one of the supported technologies ?

For example, can you describe what are the things that you'd expect to be captured as transactions in your application ? For example, is it a batch processing or more handling HTTP requests ?

Hi Sylvain

Yes my application is using Java with supported version.

About my application architecture lets say i want to add an admin user, so from the UI user will fill the details for the admin user it will call the API which further interact with a framework Hibernate written in java only which further interact with the database.

i am expecting a transaction behaviour where it show from which API the request was sent to the Hibernate framework which is interacting with database or somewhat similar so that i can track the transaction but currently it's showing only 1#run.

I have configured the apm agent in both the hibernate.service & the XX_api.service.

What does the "UI" means on your application, is that a web-based or is it a desktop or CLI application ?

While we do support broad set of JVMs does not mean that we support every code construct that is running on top of it as the agent has to rely on known libraries implementation details.

Here you mentioned a POST/GET, which means it's probably a web-based application, which framework is used to implement it on the server side ? for example is it servlet or similar ?

The UI means here through which user can access the website & it is a web based application written using HTML, CSS, React.
Here it should show the any POST/GET OR the flow of request like if a user try to add any admin user then the request goes from UI to API the api interact with the main application framework which further interact with Database, i am expecting to see this flow of request.

About server side framework we are using grizzly with Jersey.


The Elastic APM agent does not have support for Grizzly, and Jersey might be used without the Servlet part (which we do support), which might explain the issue you are facing here.

Maybe as an alternative could you try to use the OpenTelemetry Java agent that seem to have some support of Grizzly: GitHub - open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation: OpenTelemetry auto-instrumentation and instrumentation libraries for Java

However, I can't check if that will work as expected in your case, as I don't have a similar application, thus you'll have to try it yourself here.

For the configuration of the OTel agent, you should be able to get proper instructions near where the Elastic agent configuration is available in Kibana (where you get the -javaagent argument and configuration variables), also the general OTel guide might be relevant as well)

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