Getting wrong_method_type_exception

Query -

{"timeout":"900000ms","query":{"constant_score":{"filter":{"bool":{"must":{"bool":{"must":[{"bool":{"should":[{"terms":{"":["-1","-2","-1.0","-2.0","negative"]}},{"terms":{"":["0","0.0","neutral"]}},{"terms":{"":["1","2","1.0","2.0","positive"]}}]}},{"terms":{"add.m_t":["BLOGS","NEWS","PRINT","RADIO","TV","WORDPRESS"]}},{"bool":{"must_not":{"bool":{"should":[{"script":{"script":{"inline":"doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <","lang":"painless","params":{"from":0,"to":18}}}},{"script":{"script":{"inline":"doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <","lang":"painless","params":{"from":18,"to":25}}}},{"script":{"script":{"inline":"doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <","lang":"painless","params":{"from":25,"to":35}}}},{"script":{"script":{"inline":"doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <","lang":"painless","params":{"from":35,"to":45}}}},{"script":{"script":{"inline":"doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <","lang":"painless","params":{"from":45,"to":55}}}}]}}}},{"bool":{"must":[{"terms":{"add.m_t":["PRINT","TV","BLOGS","DATA_INGESTION","NEWS","RADIO","WORDPRESS"]}},{"term":{"addI.lstTopic.ord":10165}}],"must_not":{"terms":{"pSens":[true]}},"_cache_key":"bb374d0973b310e8f40f81be338a92f2"}},{"terms":{"iD":[false]}},{"bool":{"must_not":{"terms":{"add.prS":["fac"]}}}}]}},"must_not":[{"bool":{"must_not":{"terms":{"snT":["DATA_INGESTION"]}},"should":[{"bool":{"must":[{"terms":{"fU.sN":["lets_dex","cdnleon","galaxy_boy28"]}},{"term":{"add.m_t":"TWITTER"}}]}},{"term":{"addI.lstTopic.ord":-2}}],"_cache_key":"9d9347375877083bd3bed5f5d0d6ed99"}},{"bool":{"should":[{"bool":{"should":[{"terms":{"add.domain":[""]}},{"terms":{"":[""]}}]}},{"terms":{"mVadd.aiT":["hulk_replay"]}}],"_cache_key":"c5da0ea16f8df89ece72fa05f369d702"}}]}}}},"aggregations":{"61a9ca602f0d31e99c690df1":{"filter":{"match_all":{}},"aggregations":{"SN_CREATED_TIME_0":{"date_histogram":{"field":"snCTm","interval":"1d","min_doc_count":1,"time_zone":"Asia/Seoul"},"aggregations":{"M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_NEGATIVE_MENTIONS290_1_FILTERED_PROJECTION":{"filter":{"bool":{"must":{"terms":{"addI.mW.pCP._c_61938912e74c3e225a4f004b":["negative"]}}}},"aggregations":{"M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_NEGATIVE_MENTIONS290_1":{"calculated3":{"expr":"double M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_NEGATIVE_MENTIONS290_1 = ((_C9CD0A6947C39E2534601364472E91D5));return M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_NEGATIVE_MENTIONS290_1;","_C9CD0A6947C39E2534601364472E91D5":{"aggregateFunc":"sum","filter":{"bool":{"must":{"terms":{"addI.mW.pCP._c_61938912e74c3e225a4f004b":["negative"]}}}},"script":{"inline":"1"}}}}}},"M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_NEUTRAL_MENTIONS344_2_FILTERED_PROJECTION":{"filter":{"bool":{"must":{"terms":{"addI.mW.pCP._c_61938912e74c3e225a4f004b":["neutral"]}}}},"aggregations":{"M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_NEUTRAL_MENTIONS344_2":{"calculated3":{"expr":"double M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_NEUTRAL_MENTIONS344_2 = ((_BBA9E0EDA7BF2776984506B35CD963D6));return M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_NEUTRAL_MENTIONS344_2;","_BBA9E0EDA7BF2776984506B35CD963D6":{"aggregateFunc":"sum","filter":{"bool":{"must":{"terms":{"addI.mW.pCP._c_61938912e74c3e225a4f004b":["neutral"]}}}},"script":{"inline":"1"}}}}}},"M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_POSITIVE_MENTIONS715_0_FILTERED_PROJECTION":{"filter":{"bool":{"must":{"terms":{"addI.mW.pCP._c_61938912e74c3e225a4f004b":["positive"]}}}},"aggregations":{"M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_POSITIVE_MENTIONS715_0":{"calculated3":{"expr":"double M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_POSITIVE_MENTIONS715_0 = ((_F0AED24BB6B7EACF0B91D7AAEBEE19B6));return M_SPRINKSIGHTS_IM_POSITIVE_MENTIONS715_0;","_F0AED24BB6B7EACF0B91D7AAEBEE19B6":{"aggregateFunc":"sum","filter":{"bool":{"must":{"terms":{"addI.mW.pCP._c_61938912e74c3e225a4f004b":["positive"]}}}},"script":{"inline":"1"}}}}}}}}}}},"size":"0"}


    "error": {
        "root_cause": [
                "type": "wrong_method_type_exception",
                "reason": "wrong_method_type_exception: cannot convert MethodHandle(Longs)long to (Object)String"
                "type": "script_exception",
                "reason": "runtime error",
                "script_stack": [
                    "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                    "                                                                   ^---- HERE"
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                    "end": 145
                "type": "wrong_method_type_exception",
                "reason": "wrong_method_type_exception: cannot convert MethodHandle(Longs)long to (Object)String"
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                "script_stack": [
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                    "                                                                   ^---- HERE"
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                    "end": 145
                "type": "wrong_method_type_exception",
                "reason": "wrong_method_type_exception: cannot convert MethodHandle(Longs)long to (Object)String"
        "type": "search_phase_execution_exception",
        "reason": "all shards failed",
        "phase": "query",
        "grouped": true,
        "failed_shards": [
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                "index": "lst_p124_v_14_20220814_2359",
                "node": "3pnsOw8CQOu9g3m3Vi9lPA",
                "reason": {
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                    "reason": "runtime error",
                    "script_stack": [
                        "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                        "                                                                   ^---- HERE"
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                        "reason": "wrong_method_type_exception: cannot convert MethodHandle(Longs)long to (Object)String"
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                    "script_stack": [
                        "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                        "                                                                   ^---- HERE"
                    "script": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
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                        "end": 145
                    "caused_by": {
                        "type": "wrong_method_type_exception",
                        "reason": "cannot convert MethodHandle(Longs)long to (Object)String"
                "shard": 0,
                "index": "lst_p124_v_14_20220818_1314",
                "node": "3pnsOw8CQOu9g3m3Vi9lPA",
                "reason": {
                    "type": "script_exception",
                    "reason": "runtime error",
                    "script_stack": [
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                        "                                                                   ^---- HERE"
                    "script": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                    "lang": "painless",
                    "position": {
                        "offset": 67,
                        "start": 0,
                        "end": 145
                    "caused_by": {
                        "type": "wrong_method_type_exception",
                        "reason": "wrong_method_type_exception: cannot convert MethodHandle(Longs)long to (Object)String"
                "shard": 0,
                "index": "lst_p124_v_14_20220820_0515",
                "node": "i1dLqmGjRbSea8_1SX83Rg",
                "reason": {
                    "type": "script_exception",
                    "reason": "runtime error",
                    "script_stack": [
                        "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                        "                                                                   ^---- HERE"
                    "script": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                    "lang": "painless",
                    "position": {
                        "offset": 67,
                        "start": 0,
                        "end": 145
                    "caused_by": {
                        "type": "wrong_method_type_exception",
                        "reason": "cannot convert MethodHandle(Longs)long to (Object)String"
                "shard": 0,
                "index": "lst_p124_v_14_20220822_1343",
                "node": "3pnsOw8CQOu9g3m3Vi9lPA",
                "reason": {
                    "type": "script_exception",
                    "reason": "runtime error",
                    "script_stack": [
                        "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                        "                                                                   ^---- HERE"
                    "script": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                    "lang": "painless",
                    "position": {
                        "offset": 67,
                        "start": 0,
                        "end": 145
                    "caused_by": {
                        "type": "wrong_method_type_exception",
                        "reason": "wrong_method_type_exception: cannot convert MethodHandle(Longs)long to (Object)String"
        "caused_by": {
            "type": "wrong_method_type_exception",
            "reason": "wrong_method_type_exception: cannot convert MethodHandle(Longs)long to (Object)String"
    "status": 400

Mapping of is

"type": "object",
"enabled": false,
"storeSource": true,
"sourceAvailable": true

Sample Doc

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        "_id": "FACEBOOK_15_120493494629294_8273663752645520",
        "_score": 2,
        "_source": {
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            "m_en": "SPR_COMBO[id]ADA TINDAKAN PENDISIPLINAN, KAWAN LAMA GROUP TAK TOLELIR DUGAAN PELECEHAN KARYAWAN DI KANTOR\n\nKawan Lama Group memberi respons terhadap ramainya dugaan pelecehan seksual oleh sesama karyawan usai menjadi model foto produk kantor.\nKaryawati tersebut diduga menjadi korban pelecehan seksual sesama rekan kerjanya di kantor. Dugaan pelecehan ini diungkap oleh suami korban melalui akun Twitter @jerangkah.\nKawan Lama Group menegaskan pihaknya melakukan investigasi secara internal terhadap kasus dugaan pelecehan tersebut.\n\nBaca Selengkapnya:",
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                22146, 22183, 22185, 22282, 22283, 22363, 22365, 22398, 22454,
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Can anyone help me identify what exactly am I doing wrong ?

I'd simplify a lot the example and provide a full curl recreation everyone can run from the Dev Console.

You should just keep:

  • a very simple index creation with the mapping with one field
  • a simple document with the field content
  • the script part from the query

And then we could more easily iterate from here.

1 Like

Created an index test6

curl --location --request PUT 'localhost:9200/test6' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "mappings": {
        "_source": {
            "mode": "synthetic"
        "properties": {
            "enr": {
                "storeSource": true,
                "properties": {
                    "fc": {
                        "properties": {
                            "ag": {
                                "type": "long"

Inserted a document

curl --location 'localhost:9200/test6/_doc/1' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "enr": {
        "fc": {
            "ag": [-1]

Now when I run the following script

curl --location --request GET 'localhost:9200/test6/_search' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "timeout": "900000ms",
    "query": {
        "constant_score": {
            "filter": {
                "bool": {
                    "must": {
                        "bool": {
                            "must": [
                                    "bool": {
                                        "must_not": {
                                            "bool": {
                                                "should": [
                                                        "script": {
                                                            "script": {
                                                                "inline": "doc['\'''\''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc['\'''\''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc['\'''\''].value) <",
                                                                "lang": "painless",
                                                                "params": {
                                                                    "from": 0,
                                                                    "to": 18
                                                        "script": {
                                                            "script": {
                                                                "inline": "doc['\'''\''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc['\'''\''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc['\'''\''].value) <",
                                                                "lang": "painless",
                                                                "params": {
                                                                    "from": 18,
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                                                        "script": {
                                                            "script": {
                                                                "inline": "doc['\'''\''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc['\'''\''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc['\'''\''].value) <",
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                                                            "script": {
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                                                            "script": {
                                                                "inline": "doc['\'''\''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc['\'''\''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc['\'''\''].value) <",
                                                                "lang": "painless",
                                                                "params": {
                                                                    "from": 45,
                                                                    "to": 55
    "size": "0"

I get following error

    "error": {
        "root_cause": [
                "type": "script_exception",
                "reason": "runtime error",
                "script_stack": [
                    "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                    "    ^---- HERE"
                "script": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                "lang": "painless",
                "position": {
                    "offset": 4,
                    "start": 0,
                    "end": 145
        "type": "search_phase_execution_exception",
        "reason": "all shards failed",
        "phase": "query",
        "grouped": true,
        "failed_shards": [
                "shard": 0,
                "index": "test4",
                "node": "uygBPY2xTf2v7fxsZannjg",
                "reason": {
                    "type": "script_exception",
                    "reason": "runtime error",
                    "script_stack": [
                        "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                        "    ^---- HERE"
                    "script": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(doc[''].value) <",
                    "lang": "painless",
                    "position": {
                        "offset": 4,
                        "start": 0,
                        "end": 145
                    "caused_by": {
                        "type": "illegal_argument_exception",
                        "reason": "No field found for [] in mapping"
    "status": 400

Anyone able to reproduce this and identify the issue ?

your field "ag" type is "long"


Integer.parseInt(value) is try to String to Integer.

I think


is right.
hope it works

It was "Object" earlier, copied the wrong curl
Below is the correct curl.

curl --location --request PUT 'localhost:9200/test6' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "mappings": {
        "_source": {
            "mode": "synthetic"
        "properties": {
            "enr": {
                "sourceAvailable": true,
                "properties": {
                    "fc": {
                        "sourceAvailable": true,
                        "properties": {
                            "ag": {
                                "type": "object",
                                "enabled": false,
                                "storeSource": true,
                                "sourceAvailable": true

Could you modify a bit your script so we can copy/paste it in a Kibana dev console and just run it?

Some thoughts:

  • Try without synthetic source
  • the object type expect that you will provide subfields with actual data. And you should use the actual field which contains the data in scripts. Not the object.

Have a look at the Elastic Stack and Solutions Help · Forums and Slack | Elastic page. It contains also lot of useful information on how to ask for help.

  • I have to use synthetic source. Since that is one of the reason why we are migrating from ES7 to ES8.
  • Same query works fine with ES7, not sure why do we need to change the type here.

What should be the type of here?

Modifying Scripts for Kibana dev console.

Index Creation:

PUT /test2
    "mappings": {
        "_source": {
            "mode": "synthetic"
        "properties": {
            "enr": {
                "sourceAvailable": true,
                "properties": {
                    "fc": {
                        "sourceAvailable": true,
                        "properties": {
                            "ag": {
                                "type": "object",
                                "enabled": false,
                                "storeSource": true,
                                "sourceAvailable": true

Add Doc

POST /test2/_doc/1
    "enr": {
        "fc": {
            "ag": [-1]


GET /test2/_search
  "timeout": "900000ms",
  "query": {
    "constant_score": {
      "filter": {
        "bool": {
          "must": {
            "bool": {
              "must": [
                  "bool": {
                    "must_not": {
                      "bool": {
                        "should": [
                            "script": {
                              "script": {
                                "inline": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) <",
                                "lang": "painless",
                                "params": {
                                  "from": 0,
                                  "to": 18
                            "script": {
                              "script": {
                                "inline": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) <",
                                "lang": "painless",
                                "params": {
                                  "from": 18,
                                  "to": 25
                            "script": {
                              "script": {
                                "inline": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) <",
                                "lang": "painless",
                                "params": {
                                  "from": 25,
                                  "to": 35
                            "script": {
                              "script": {
                                "inline": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) <",
                                "lang": "painless",
                                "params": {
                                  "from": 35,
                                  "to": 45
                            "script": {
                              "script": {
                                "inline": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) <",
                                "lang": "painless",
                                "params": {
                                  "from": 45,
                                  "to": 55
  "size": "0"

Did you try to run your script?

I tried in 8.13.4 and got this for the first call:

PUT /test2
    "mappings": {
        "_source": {
            "mode": "synthetic"
        "properties": {
            "enr": {
                "sourceAvailable": true,
                "properties": {
                    "fc": {
                        "sourceAvailable": true,
                        "properties": {
                            "ag": {
                                "type": "object",
                                "enabled": false,
                                "storeSource": true,
                                "sourceAvailable": true
  "error": {
    "root_cause": [
        "type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
        "reason": "Mapping definition for [ag] has unsupported parameters:  [sourceAvailable : true] [storeSource : true]"
    "type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
    "reason": "Failed to parse mapping: Mapping definition for [ag] has unsupported parameters:  [sourceAvailable : true] [storeSource : true]",
    "caused_by": {
      "type": "mapper_parsing_exception",
      "reason": "Mapping definition for [ag] has unsupported parameters:  [sourceAvailable : true] [storeSource : true]"
  "status": 400

I'd write the mapping like this:

  "test2": {
    "mappings": {
      "_source": {
        "mode": "synthetic"
      "properties": {
        "enr": {
          "properties": {
            "fc": {
              "properties": {
                "ag": {
                  "type": "long"

Basically, this works:

DELETE /test2
PUT /test2
  "mappings": {
    "_source": {
      "mode": "synthetic"
POST /test2/_doc/1
  "enr": {
    "fc": {
      "ag": [
GET /test2/_search
  "query": {
    "script": {
      "script": {
        "source": "doc[''].value != null && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) >= params.from && Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(doc[''].value)) <",
        "lang": "painless",
        "params": {
          "from": 0,
          "to": 18

And BTW, as you can see I made it much more easy and small as possible to just focus on the main problem...

1 Like

I am able to create the index as you can see above.

But with the mapping you have provided above I am unable to insert a document. Might be due to the changes we have made on elasticsearch. Getting:

    "error": {
        "root_cause": [
                "type": "document_parsing_exception",
                "reason": "[7:1] failed to parse: Cannot invoke \"\" because \"sourceFilter\" is null"
        "type": "document_parsing_exception",
        "reason": "[7:1] failed to parse: Cannot invoke \"\" because \"sourceFilter\" is null",
        "caused_by": {
            "type": "null_pointer_exception",
            "reason": "Cannot invoke \"\" because \"sourceFilter\" is null"
    "status": 400

I will try to figure this out. Thank you.

What kind of changes?
And you are not using Kibana either to run your tests.

Yes, I am using postman.
We usually take the Elasticsearch repository and customise it according to our needs. Have to check what all changes have been made by the team so far.

So you are using a non supported Elasticsearch build if I read this correctly.
I'd suggest that you start a docker standard elasticsearch version, try again with it.

If it works with the standard distribution but not with your modified version, then, you know what to do next :wink:

If it does not work with the standard distribution, then we can help :smiley: