Google Workspace Setup


I'm attempting to start up the Google Workspace Audit Reports Integration in fleet and have successfully followed the steps to create service accounts, grant API access and oAuth IDs. I also have the json file for our service account & client secrets. When installing the integration there is an area to specify the path to the JWT file as well as the delegated admin account.

It is a bit unclear which file is needed for the JWT, or, if something needs to be created, how to do so. Does anyone have this working and can provide some information on the format for the JWT file?

Thank you!

Just wanted to check and reach out of anyone has any experience or information they can share on generating a JWT credential file. (Or a location to submit feedback on needing to update documentation on the fleet integration)

Its the path to the json file u downloaded from the Gcp console.

It was, yes. After looking at the logs we found there was one additional API scope not listed in the documentation that was needed to be added to the project in the Google Cloud Platform for the service account.

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U should make a GitHub issue to add that scope to the documentation.

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