I created a filter to break apart our log files and am having the following issue. I'm not able to figure out how to save the parts of the "message" to their own field or tag or whatever you call it. I'm 3 days new to logstash and have had zero luck with finding someone here who knows it.
So for an example lets say this is your log line in a log file
2017-12-05 [user:edjm1971] msg:This is a message from the system.
And what you want to do is to get the value of the user and set that into some index mapping so you can search for all logs that were by that user. Also, you should see the information from the message in their own fields in Kibana.
My pipeline.conf file for logstash is like
grok {
match => {
"message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} [sid:%{USERNAME:sid} msg:%{DATA:message}"
add_tag => [ "foo_tag", "some_user_value_from_sid_above" ]
Now when I run the logger to create logs data gets over to ES and I can see the data in KIBANA but I don't see foo_tag at all with the sid value.
How exactly do I use this to create the new tag that gets stored into ES so I can see the data I want from the message?