Grok-Filter not working

I want to log my MikroTik-Router. Thatfor I get for example the following log:

May/03/2018 17:37:01 system,info,account user admin logged out from via telnet

With help from the grok debugger at I get the following config:

input {
tcp {
port => 5514
type => "MikroTik"
udp {
port => 5514
type => "MikroTik"
filter {
if [type] == "MikroTik" {
grok {
match => {"message" => "(?"<"logtimestamp">"%{MONTH}/%{MONTHDAY}/%{YEAR} %{TIME}) %{WORD:source},%{WORD:level},%{GREEDYDATA:message}"}
mutate {
add_tag => ["grokked"]
add_field => {
"source" => "%{source)"
"level" => "%(level)"
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

I had to do the brackets around the "logtimestamp" because of the formatting. When I start logstash with this config I get following output:

"host" => "",
"message" => "system,info,account user admin logged out from via telnet",
"level" => "%(level)",
"source" => "%{source)",
"@version" => "1",
"type" => "MikroTik",
"@timestamp" => 2018-05-08T02:44:38.508Z,
"tags" => [
[0] "_grokparsefailure",
[1] "grokked"

Unfortunately the grok-filter doesn´t work for me. My logstash-version is the 6.2.3
Hope someone can help me debugging my config.

Your configuration isn't consistent with the output you say you're getting. If the grok filter indeed wasn't working, how come the timestamp is stripped away from the message field?

Hey magnusbaeck,
thanks for the quick reply. Where could this timestamp come from?
I start logstash with my testconfig.conf and following parameters:

./logstash -f testconfig.conf --path.settings /etc/logstash/

The conf.d-folder in /etc/logstash is empty and my logstash folder is in /usr/share/logstash/bin.

grok { match => {"message" => "(?<logtimestamp>%{MONTH}/%{MONTHDAY}/%{YEAR} %{TIME}) %{WORD:source},%{WORD:level},%{GREEDYDATA:message}"} }

will match that message. What are you trying to do with the mutate+add_field?

"source" => "%{source)"

You have mis-matched braces and parentheses. If we correct that, the source field already exists, so adding a second source field just forces it to be an array. Similarly for grokking a message field using a regexp that has an item called message -- message ends up as an array, which is probably not what you want.

         "message" => [
        [0] "May/03/2018 17:37:01 system,info,account user admin logged out from via telnet",
        [1] "account user admin logged out from via telnet"

Hey Badger,
to eliminate configuration misstakes, I installed a completely new machine with the actual versions of elk-stack.
In my filter-options I only placed the grok-filter without any other options and renamed the fields:

filter {
if [type] == "MikroTik" {
grok {
match => {"test012" => "(?%{MONTH}/%{MONTHDAY}/%{YEAR} %{TIME}) %{WORD:test123},%{GREEDYDATA:test234}"}

So there should be no field that is already "in use" by logstash. Unfortunately I don´t even get the hoped result:

"tags" => [
[0] "_grokparsefailure"
"message" => "system,info,account user admin logged in from via telnet",
"@version" => "1",
"type" => "MikroTik",
"host" => "",
"@timestamp" => 2018-05-09T08:32:20.308Z

Again there is this grokparsefailure. Isn´t there any log that could explain where this error comes from?

The grok filter fails because your event doesn't have a test012 field.

Thanks for the quick reply, even if I change the test012-fielt into "message" the output doesn´t change.

"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => 2018-05-09T09:40:53.305Z,
"host" => "",
"tags" => [
[0] "_grokparsefailure"
"type" => "MikroTik",
"message" => "system,info,account user admin logged in from via telnet"

Again the "_grokparsefailure"-tag

message obviously doesn't match the grok expression.

Then I think that I understood something wrong. In my output there are standard defined variables like "@version", "host", "message", ....
The type-tag was given by logstash on the input-conf. Now I want the grok filter to seperate this field "message" into seperate fields, in my case "test123" and "test234".
What did I understand wrong?

In the grok filter you said it should match a date, followed by a word, followed by the rest of the line. But your message does not have a date, so grok is going to fail.

Hey badger,
that was the solution, I didn´t notice that the timestamp wasn´t already in my message output. Thanks to you and magnusbaeck.

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