GROK filter with regular expression not working

Hi, I have a regular expression in a GROK filter, where the first filter is working however the next 5 filters are not working. Could someone kindly look at the filter and possibly point out where I am going wrong?

grok {
match => ["CELL_ID_LONG", "(?<CELL_ID>\d{5})$"]
match => ["OTHER_NUMBER", "^(?<OTHER_NUMBER_5>\d{5})"]
match => ["OTHER_NUMBER", "^(?<OTHER_NUMBER_4>\d{4})"]
match => ["OTHER_NUMBER", "^(?<OTHER_NUMBER_3>\d{3})"]
match => ["OTHER_NUMBER", "^(?<OTHER_NUMBER_2>\d{2})"]
match => ["OTHER_NUMBER", "^(?<OTHER_NUMBER_1>\d{1})"]

with the first match I am extracting the last 5 digits of a long number, this one is working without problems:

match => ["CELL_ID_LONG", "(?<CELL_ID>\d{5})$"]

Then the next 5 once, I am trying to extract the 5 to 1 numbers of another long number, this is not working:

match => ["OTHER_NUMBER", "^(?<OTHER_NUMBER_5>\d{5})"]
match => ["OTHER_NUMBER", "^(?<OTHER_NUMBER_4>\d{4})"]
match => ["OTHER_NUMBER", "^(?<OTHER_NUMBER_3>\d{3})"]
match => ["OTHER_NUMBER", "^(?<OTHER_NUMBER_2>\d{2})"]
match => ["OTHER_NUMBER", "^(?<OTHER_NUMBER_1>\d{1})"]

The input number for the OTHER_NUMBER match looks something like this:


Any assistance with this challenge would be truly appreciated.

Please always format your configuration snippets as preformatted text so that it's shown correctly Specifically, your first grok expression reads "(?\d{5})$" above but it's actually "(?<some-field-name>\d{5})$".

As documented, the grok filter stops after the first matched expression. Either use multiple grok filters or use a single expression that extracts all the information. What's the desired result of your parsing of OTHER_NUMBER?

@magnusbaeck, thank you for the feedback and noted on the configuration snippets. I will do multiple grok filters my regular expression knowledge is not that good until now to put it all in one.

Depending on how you want to parse the string it might be significantly easier to do with a single expression.

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