Groovy for scripting

I'm playing around with groovy scripting.

By checking groovy lang plugin source code I found next steps in code

  1. Code compilation into script class

  2. Script initialization via static method newInstance()

  3. Script execution via calling the code on each document with binding
    document parameters

Now assume I have class declaration in my script. Is it possible to execute
class definition and class object initialization only once, and execute
only a method from this object on each document?


P.S. posting the same on SO

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providing self-update:

I found that I could create cross-request cache using next script (like a
cross-request incrementer):

POST /test/_search
query: {match_all:{}},
script_fields: {
a: {
script: "import groovy.lang.Script;class A extends Script{static
i=0;def run() {i++}}",
lang: "groovy"

In good view mode the script is:

import groovy.lang.Script

class A extends Script{
static i=0

def run() {

Actually here i variable is not thread-safe, but idea is clean - you need
define a class, inherited from Script and implement abstract method run.
Also this class is access on each node-thread.
Now I'm looking for a solution to make a query-scope type counter (for
one-node configuration). I think it's could be done by passing unique
query_id in parameters, but I'm afraid of making code non thread safe, or
vice versa - thread safe, but with reduce performance.
Researching more...

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