Groovy script in Elastic Stack 5.0 error: action request validation exception


After upgrading my cluster from 2.4 to 5.0 I am having trouble to get my script files working.

Here is what my script look like in /etc/elasticsearch/scripts/update_keywords.groovy:

if (!ctx._source.containsKey("tweet_keywords")) { ctx._source.tweet_keywords = myfield; ctx._source.tweet_keywords+=keyword; } else { ctx._source.tweet_keywords+=keyword; }

I use this elasticsearch.js latest npm for bulk updates which it worked in 2.4:

  var updateOps = []; 
                "update" : {
                    _index: indexName,
                    _type: 'tweet',
                    _id: hit._id
                "script_file": "update_keywords",
                "params" : {
                    keyword: [{
                        "id": keywordsIndexName[index],
                    "myfield": []
                "upsert" : {}
            body: updateOps
        }, function (err, resp) {
                console.log(err, resp);

I even added this to each node elasticsearch.yml and restarted them all:
> script.stored: true

   script.file: true

Now I am receiving this error.

{ [Error: [action_request_validation_exception] Validation Failed: 1: script or doc is missing;2: script or doc is missing;3: script or doc is missing;]
status: 400,
displayName: 'BadRequest',
message: '[action_request_validation_exception] Validation Failed: 1: script or doc is missing;2: script or doc is missing;3: script or doc is missing;',
path: '/_bulk',
query: {},
body: '{"update":{"_index":"climate-2016.10","_type":"tweet","_id":"782787933824843776"}}\n{"script_file":"update_keywords","lang":"groovy","params":{"keyword":[{"id":"above-ground biomass","count":1}],"myfield":},"upsert":{}}\n{"update":{"_index":"climate-2016.10","_type":"tweet","_id":"788112034026184704"}}\n{"script_file":"update_keywords","lang":"groovy","params":{"keyword":[{"id":"above-ground biomass","count":1}],"myfield":},"upsert":{}}\n{"update":{"_index":"climate-2016.10","_type":"tweet","_id":"786204189533712387"}}\n{"script_file":"update_keywords","lang":"groovy","params":{"keyword":[{"id":"above-ground biomass","count":1}],"myfield":},"upsert":{}}\n',
statusCode: 400,
response: '{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"action_request_validation_exception","reason":"Validation Failed: 1: script or doc is missing;2: script or doc is missing;3: script or doc is missing;"}],"type":"action_request_validation_exception","reason":"Validation Failed: 1: script or doc is missing;2: script or doc is missing;3: script or doc is missing;"},"status":400}',
toString: [Function],
toJSON: [Function] } { error:
{ root_cause: [ [Object] ],
type: 'action_request_validation_exception',
reason: 'Validation Failed: 1: script or doc is missing;2: script or doc is missing;3: script or doc is missing;' },
status: 400 }

If I chang the script field to this it won't show any error but it doesn't update anything neither:

                "params" : {
                    keyword: [{
                        "id": keywordsIndexName[index],
                    "myfield": []
                "upsert" : {}

Is there anything else I should do in order to get this working like 2.4?

Many thanks

After spending the entire day on this, apparently something has changed in elasticsearch.js new version that needs the script field be formatted as follow:

                    "params" : {
                        "keyword": [{
                            "id": keywordsIndexName[index],
                        "myfield": []

Params need to be in side script field and language must be mentioned. I wish the error would have been more clear on this. I really thought there was something wrong with my script or elasticsearch configs.

I will also upgrade groovy to painless soon before it is completely gone in next version.


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