Grouping by a field and getting documents with lowest value for a given property


I am trying to find in an index that contains multiple documents related to courses, having a structure like:


What I was trying to get is getting for each course_id, the document with the highest subscriptions value, something like:


I was trying with something like this query:

	"aggs": {
		"group_by_course_id": {
			"terms": {
				"field": "course_id.keyword"
			"aggs": {
				"group_by_course_id": {
					"terms": {
						"field": "course_id.keyword"
					"aggs": {
						"best_subscriptions": {
							"top_hits": {
								"size": 1,
								"sort": [
										"subscriptions": {
											"order": "desc"

But I have almost 100K different course_id values, so I do not know what kind of aggregation should I be using.

Thank you!

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