Handling multiline that spans log files

So, I have an issue with JDE logs. They rotate whenever the log file gets to ~5 Megabytes. The issue that I am having, is that I am using multiline to gather the log files. What is happening however, is that the multiline may in fact span multiple files as the multiline output may not be in the one file.

Example of a multiline entry, separated by date

Jul 22, 2024 1:05:01 PM fff fixQuotesAroundSoapAction
INFO: Received HTTP Header:
[BSSVLoginModule : initialize]
log in returned successfully from BSSVWLSLoginModule
[BSSVLoginModule : initialize]
log in returned successfully from BSSVWLSLoginModule

However, what I am seeing, is that intermittently, I will get this


Jul 22, 2024 1:05:01 PM fff fixQuotesAroundSoapAction
INFO: Received HTTP Header:
[BSSVLoginModule : initialize]
log in returned successfully from BSSVWLSLoginModule


[BSSVLoginModule : initialize]
log in returned successfully from BSSVWLSLoginModule
Jul 22, 2024 1:06:01 PM hhh fixQuotesAroundSoapAction

What results is a _grokparsefailures due to incorrect log format.

Is there any way to make Elastic Agent continue reading multiline across files?