Hard regex

hi, i need your help to write regex. It's my e.g message:
scc_check_file ignored non-ASCII file /etc/sysconfig/auditd: '/etc/sysconfig/auditd: regular file, no read permission'

I want to write if, which checks in part for : (scc_check_file ignored non-ASCII file /etc/sysconfig/auditd) there are no such characters as: \ , / , * , ? , " , < , > , | , space (the character, not the word), , , #

I dont understand what you're trying to do,

can you explain with details ?

also check for grok debugger and https://regex101.com/

value= "scc_check_file ignored non-ASCII file /etc/sysconfig/auditd: '/etc/sysconfig/auditd: regular file, no read permission'"

if [value] (to the mark :slight_smile: =~ /contains \ , / , * , ? , " , < , > , | , space (the character, not the word), , , #/ {
drop {}

but value up to the character :

What about extracting the interesting part first, like:

  grok {
    match => { "message" => "%{DATA:partial_value}:" }

  if [partial_value] =~ /[\\\/\*\?\"\<\>\|\s\,\#]/ {

Obviously you can replace message with value if you've already extracted the value field.

Sounds good to me.

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