Harvestor not starting for all files

I have added few parameters into filebeat.yml and restarted it
found filebeat is not starting harvestor for all files

  multiline.timeout: 25s
  close_timeout: 60m
  close_removed: true
  ignore_older: 48h
  clean_inactive: 72h
  clean_removed: true

Though I have ignore_older:48h, a harvestor started for file 2018-11-27

on other hand I have 25 files entry in filebeat.yml and almost 20 of them are updating continuously. but to surprise in total only 3 harvesters are started.

Please assist

Could you please share your debug logs? (./filebeat -e -d "*")

I removed

multiline.timeout: 25s
 ignore_older: 48h

these two parameters and It is working now
I will replicated the issue later and will update you


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