Has child query with multiple clauses to be performed on the same child

I have a generic code which takes my own ConditionTree class and parse it into an Elasticsearch query. For that, and because I don't know the tree's hierarchy, each condition (leaf on the tree) is parsed into an individual indices query. for example, if I have a person index, and i filter on 2 of it's properties - name and address, so the tree will look like: AND ----person.name, equals, "Dave" ----person.address, contains, "London"

and it will parsed into something like:
GET persons/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"indices": {
"indices": [
"query": {
"term": {
"name": {
"value": "Dave"
"no_match_query": "none"
"indices": {
"indices": [
"query": {
"term": {
"address": {
"value": "London"
"no_match_query": "none"

so far so good, the issue start with my parent-child index. I have relations index, which each parent has 2 children. if i'll do the same thing here, if one child match for one condition and the second child in the relation match another, those 2 children will be returned.

of course, if I'm putting those conditions under the same "has_child" block so it works, but it will cause me ALOT of changes in my code because of the way i'm doing the parsing.

Is there a way in my current way to tell Elasticsearch to perform all those blocks on the SAME child?

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