Having an empty hits and response from elasticsearch when trying to query them via an api

hello , I am developing backend using strapi , and i am going to store some data inside elasticsearch , and i would like to be able to consume the data, and fetch them.
here is the different configuration files

  routes: [
      method: 'GET',
      path: '/energy-consumption',
      handler: 'energy.energyConsumption',
      config: {
        policies: [],
        middlewares: [],
      method: 'POST',
      path: '/energy-consumption',
      handler: 'energy.energyConsumption',
      config: {
        policies: [],
        middlewares: [],

here is the controllers file :

 * A set of functions called "actions" for `energy`

module.exports = { 
  energyConsumption: async (ctx) => {
    try {
      console.log('Energy consumption action called');

      const data = await strapi.service('api::energy.energy').find();
      console.log('Retrieved energy consumption data:', data);

    } catch (err) {
      console.error('Error retrieving energy consumption:', err);

      ctx.send({ error: err.message }, 500);

and here is the service file :

'use strict';

const { createCoreService } = require('@strapi/strapi').factories;

module.exports = createCoreService('api::energy.energy', ({ strapi }) => ({
  async find(...args) {
    const { connector, testConn } = require('../../../../helpers/client_elastic.js');
    const client = connector();

    console.log('Connection to Elasticsearch successful');

    const searchParams  = {
      index: 'index', // Replace with the appropriate index name
      body: {
        query: {
          match_all: {} // Retrieve all documents

    try {
      console.log('Sending search request to Elasticsearch');
      const response = await client.search(searchParams);

      console.log('Elasticsearch response:', response);

      const body = response.body || {};
      console.log('Received response from Elasticsearch:', body);

      const hits = body.hits?.hits || [];
      console.log('Total hits:', hits.length);

      const mappedData = hits.map((hit) => {
        const source = hit._source;
        return {
          name: source.name,
          measuringPoint: source.measuringPoint,
          current: source.current,
          voltage: source.voltage,
          activePower: source.activePower,
          cosphi: source.cosphi,
          powerFactory: source.powerFactory,
          date: source.createdAt

      console.log('Transformed data:');
      mappedData.forEach((data) => {

      return mappedData;
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error retrieving energy consumption data:', error);
      throw error;

and here is the schem.json file :

  "kind": "collectionType",
  "collectionName": "energies",
  "info": {
    "singularName": "energy",
    "pluralName": "energies",
    "displayName": "Energy",
    "description": ""
  "options": {
    "draftAndPublish": true
  "pluginOptions": {},
  "attributes": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string"
    "measuringPoint": {
      "type": "string"
    "current": {
      "type": "float"
    "voltage": {
      "type": "float"
    "activePower": {
      "type": "float"

now , here is the docker file configuration , as well the logstach configuration file :
Docker file:

version: "2.0"

  # Elasticsearch service
    # Use the official Elasticsearch image from Docker Hub
    image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:8.6.2
    container_name: elasticsearch
    # Set the Environment variables for Elasticsearch
      # Set discovery type to single node
      - discovery.type=single-node
      - node.name=elasticsearch
      # Lock the process memory to prevent swapping
      - bootstrap.memory_lock=true
      # Set java memory heap size
      - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
      # Disable security features (otherwise it won't work)
      - xpack.security.enabled=false
    # Expose ports for Elasticsearch
      - 9200:9200
      - 9300:9300
    # Set memory limits for Elasticsearch
        soft: -1
        hard: -1
    # Health check for Elasticsearch (check the cluster health)
      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl --silent --fail localhost:9200/_cluster/health || exit 1"]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 5
    # Set network for Elasticsearch
      - default

  # Logstash service
    # Use the official (and latest)logstash image from Docker Hub
    image: docker.elastic.co/logstash/logstash:8.6.2
    container_name: logstash
    # Mount Logstash configuration file
      - ./logstash-config:/usr/share/logstash/pipeline
    # set the Environment variables for Logstash
      # Set Elasticsearch hosts
      - "ES_HOSTS=http://elasticsearch:9200"
    # Expose ports for Logstash
      - 5000:5000
    # Set network for Logstash
      - default

logstach config file:

# Logstash configuration file
input {
  # Listen for HTTP input on all network interfaces on port 5000
  http {
    host => ""
    port => 5000

filter {
  # Parse the incoming JSON messages
  json {
    source => "message"
  # Remove the original message field
  mutate {
    remove_field => ["message"]
  # Parse the createAt field as a date
  date {
    match => ["createAt", "ISO8601"]
    target => "createAt"

output {
  # Send the modified data to Elasticsearch
  elasticsearch {
    # Set Elasticsearch hosts
    hosts => ["http://elasticsearch:9200"]
    # Set index name from incoming headers
    index => "index"

the problem is when i sned data , to the index , and query it , from postman , or the teminal , I am able to query it , here is an example
**sending post request to this url : "http ://localhost: 9200/index/_search ", I have this result

    "took": 1,
    "timed_out": false,
    "_shards": {
        "total": 1,
        "successful": 1,
        "skipped": 0,
        "failed": 0
    "hits": {
        "total": {
            "value": 12,
            "relation": "eq"
        "max_score": 1.0,
        "hits": [
                "_index": "index",
                "_id": "npYOLIgBnRgggzy5jhUE",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "url": {
                        "domain": "localhost",
                        "port": 5000,
                        "path": "/test"
                    "name": "phase2",
                    "current": 26.112,
                    "voltage": 234.449,
                    "host": {
                        "ip": ""
                    "measuringPoint": "MY_SENSOR0",
                    "@timestamp": "2023-05-17T23:32:11.276864499Z",
                    "activePower": 22517.918,
                    "@version": "1",
                    "user_agent": {
                        "original": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2"
                    "http": {
                        "version": "HTTP/1.1",
                        "method": "POST",
                        "request": {
                            "mime_type": "application/json",
                            "body": {
                                "bytes": "431"
                "_index": "index",
                "_id": "nJYOLIgBnRgggzy5jhUE",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "url": {
                        "domain": "localhost",
                        "port": 5000,
                        "path": "/test"
                    "name": "phase3",
                    "current": 116.696,
                    "voltage": 225.73,
                    "host": {
                        "ip": ""
                    "measuringPoint": "MY_SENSOR0",
                    "@timestamp": "2023-05-17T23:32:11.276885058Z",
                    "activePower": 26858.449,
                    "@version": "1",
                    "user_agent": {
                        "original": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2"
                    "http": {
                        "version": "HTTP/1.1",
                        "method": "POST",
                        "request": {
                            "mime_type": "application/json",
                            "body": {
                                "bytes": "431"
                "_index": "index",
                "_id": "nZYOLIgBnRgggzy5jhUE",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "url": {
                        "domain": "localhost",
                        "port": 5000,
                        "path": "/test"
                    "name": "phase1",
                    "current": 45.439,
                    "voltage": 243.47,
                    "host": {
                        "ip": ""
                    "measuringPoint": "MY_SENSOR0",
                    "@timestamp": "2023-05-17T23:32:11.276828600Z",
                    "activePower": 17125.657,
                    "@version": "1",
                    "user_agent": {
                        "original": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2"
                    "http": {
                        "version": "HTTP/1.1",
                        "method": "POST",
                        "request": {
                            "mime_type": "application/json",
                            "body": {
                                "bytes": "431"
                "_index": "index",
                "_id": "YpTEIIgBN1v-cV69M0xX",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "activePower": 22517.918,
                    "@timestamp": "2023-05-15T18:55:09.022156533Z",
                    "url": {
                        "domain": "localhost",
                        "port": 5000,
                        "path": "/index"
                    "name": "phase2",
                    "cosphi": 0.895,
                    "measuringPoint": "MY_SENSOR0",
                    "user_agent": {
                        "original": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2"
                    "createAt": "2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z",
                    "host": {
                        "ip": ""
                    "http": {
                        "version": "HTTP/1.1",
                        "method": "POST",
                        "request": {
                            "mime_type": "application/json",
                            "body": {
                                "bytes": "2443"
                    "@version": "1",
                    "powerFactory": 52.639,
                    "current": 26.112,
                    "voltage": 234.449
                "_index": "index",
                "_id": "ZpTEIIgBN1v-cV69M0xa",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "activePower": 26858.449,
                    "@timestamp": "2023-05-15T18:55:09.022172968Z",
                    "url": {
                        "domain": "localhost",
                        "port": 5000,
                        "path": "/index"
                    "name": "phase3",
                    "cosphi": 1.103,
                    "measuringPoint": "MY_SENSOR0",
                    "user_agent": {
                        "original": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2"
                    "createAt": "2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z",
                    "host": {
                        "ip": ""
                    "http": {
                        "version": "HTTP/1.1",
                        "method": "POST",
                        "request": {
                            "mime_type": "application/json",
                            "body": {
                                "bytes": "2443"
                    "@version": "1",
                    "powerFactory": 49.435,
                    "current": 116.696,
                    "voltage": 225.73
                "_index": "index",
                "_id": "YJTEIIgBN1v-cV69M0xX",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "activePower": 20896.89,
                    "@timestamp": "2023-05-15T18:55:09.022195587Z",
                    "url": {
                        "domain": "localhost",
                        "port": 5000,
                        "path": "/index"
                    "name": "phase2",
                    "cosphi": 1.632,
                    "measuringPoint": "MY_SENSOR1",
                    "user_agent": {
                        "original": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2"
                    "createAt": "2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z",
                    "host": {
                        "ip": ""
                    "http": {
                        "version": "HTTP/1.1",
                        "method": "POST",
                        "request": {
                            "mime_type": "application/json",
                            "body": {
                                "bytes": "2443"
                    "@version": "1",
                    "powerFactory": 48.576,
                    "current": 91.742,
                    "voltage": 226.565
                "_index": "index",
                "_id": "X5TEIIgBN1v-cV69M0xV",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "activePower": 26032.483,
                    "@timestamp": "2023-05-15T18:55:09.022206027Z",
                    "url": {
                        "domain": "localhost",
                        "port": 5000,
                        "path": "/index"
                    "name": "phase3",
                    "cosphi": 0.78,
                    "measuringPoint": "MY_SENSOR1",
                    "user_agent": {
                        "original": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2"
                    "createAt": "2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z",
                    "host": {
                        "ip": ""
                    "http": {
                        "version": "HTTP/1.1",
                        "method": "POST",
                        "request": {
                            "mime_type": "application/json",
                            "body": {
                                "bytes": "2443"
                    "@version": "1",
                    "powerFactory": 48.433,
                    "current": 27.94,
                    "voltage": 235.424
                "_index": "index",
                "_id": "Z5TEIIgBN1v-cV69M0xa",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "activePower": 27142.946,
                    "@timestamp": "2023-05-15T18:55:09.022238002Z",
                    "url": {
                        "domain": "localhost",
                        "port": 5000,
                        "path": "/index"
                    "name": "phase3",
                    "cosphi": 0.737,
                    "measuringPoint": "MY_SENSOR2",
                    "user_agent": {
                        "original": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2"
                    "createAt": "2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z",
                    "host": {
                        "ip": ""
                    "http": {
                        "version": "HTTP/1.1",
                        "method": "POST",
                        "request": {
                            "mime_type": "application/json",
                            "body": {
                                "bytes": "2443"
                    "@version": "1",
                    "powerFactory": 49.227,
                    "current": 115.652,
                    "voltage": 239.214
                "_index": "index",
                "_id": "ZZTEIIgBN1v-cV69M0xY",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "activePower": 24469.064,
                    "@timestamp": "2023-05-15T18:55:09.022184780Z",
                    "url": {
                        "domain": "localhost",
                        "port": 5000,
                        "path": "/index"
                    "name": "phase1",
                    "cosphi": 0.239,
                    "measuringPoint": "MY_SENSOR1",
                    "user_agent": {
                        "original": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2"
                    "createAt": "2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z",
                    "host": {
                        "ip": ""
                    "http": {
                        "version": "HTTP/1.1",
                        "method": "POST",
                        "request": {
                            "mime_type": "application/json",
                            "body": {
                                "bytes": "2443"
                    "@version": "1",
                    "powerFactory": 48.159,
                    "current": 102.288,
                    "voltage": 223.414
                "_index": "index",
                "_id": "YZTEIIgBN1v-cV69M0xW",
                "_score": 1.0,
                "_source": {
                    "activePower": 17125.657,
                    "@timestamp": "2023-05-15T18:55:09.022128396Z",
                    "url": {
                        "domain": "localhost",
                        "port": 5000,
                        "path": "/index"
                    "name": "phase1",
                    "cosphi": 0.6,
                    "measuringPoint": "MY_SENSOR0",
                    "user_agent": {
                        "original": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.2"
                    "createAt": "2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z",
                    "host": {
                        "ip": ""
                    "http": {
                        "version": "HTTP/1.1",
                        "method": "POST",
                        "request": {
                            "mime_type": "application/json",
                            "body": {
                                "bytes": "2443"
                    "@version": "1",
                    "powerFactory": 51.718,
                    "current": 45.439,
                    "voltage": 243.47

whereas, when i try to run my server , i recieve an empty repsonse ,

Energy consumption action called
Connection to Elasticsearch successful
Sending search request to Elasticsearch
  name: 'elasticsearch',
  cluster_name: 'docker-cluster',
  cluster_uuid: '0vMVTgPxSnWS-qmeJoGj1A',
  version: {
    number: '8.6.2',
    build_flavor: 'default',
    build_type: 'docker',
    build_hash: '2d58d0f136141f03239816a4e360a8d17b6d8f29',
    build_date: '2023-02-13T09:35:20.314882762Z',
    build_snapshot: false,
    lucene_version: '9.4.2',
    minimum_wire_compatibility_version: '7.17.0',
    minimum_index_compatibility_version: '7.0.0'
  tagline: 'You Know, for Search'
Elasticsearch response: {
  took: 2,
  timed_out: false,
  _shards: { total: 1, successful: 1, skipped: 0, failed: 0 },
  hits: {
    total: { value: 12, relation: 'eq' },
    max_score: 1,
    hits: [
      [Object], [Object],
      [Object], [Object],
      [Object], [Object],
      [Object], [Object],
      [Object], [Object]
Received response from Elasticsearch: {}
Total hits: 0
Transformed data:
Retrieved energy consumption data: []
[2023-05-18 00:48:07.432] http: GET /api/energy-consumption (105 ms) 200

how to solve this issue , ? I will be really greatful for any tips for solving such an errror

const hits = response.hits?.hits || ;
instead of body.hits?.hits should solve your issue.

1 Like

It worked , THANK YOUUU SO MUCH !!

hello , now I am facing this issue here , and i would like to take an idea from you ,
here is my service file for the api

//trying to populate the server here 

const { createCoreService } = require('@strapi/strapi').factories;
module.exports = createCoreService('api::energy.energy', async ({ strapi }) => {
  const { connector, testConn } = require('../../../../helpers/client_elastic.js');
  const client = connector();

  console.log('Connection to Elasticsearch successful');

  const searchParams = {
    index: 'index', // Replace with the appropriate index name
    body: {
      query: {
        match_all: {} // Retrieve all documents

  try {
    console.log('Sending search request to Elasticsearch');
    const response = await client.search(searchParams);

    console.log('Elasticsearch response:', response);

    const body = response.body || {};
    console.log('Received response from Elasticsearch:', response);

    const hits = response.hits?.hits || [];
    console.log('Total hits:', hits.length);

    const mappedData = hits.map((hit) => {
      const source = hit._source;
      return {
        name: source.name,
        measuringPoint: source.measuringPoint,
        current: source.current,
        voltage: source.voltage,
        activePower: source.activePower,
        cosphi: source.cosphi,
        powerFactory: source.powerFactory,
        date: source.createAt,
    console.log("  ############### this is mappedData", mappedData)
    const results = mappedData.map((data) => {
      return data;
    console.log("#############this is results",results)
    console.log('Transformed data:');
    results.forEach((data) => {

    console.log(" ##############this is the results array ", results);

    return {
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error retrieving energy consumption data:', error);
    throw error;

the problem is that , i am able to access the data in the console log , herre is the detailed log of the server

Welcome back!
To manage your project 🚀, go to the administration panel at:

To access the server ⚡️, go to:

Energy consumption action called
Connection to Elasticsearch successful
Sending search request to Elasticsearch
Retrieved energy consumption data: {
 results: [],
 pagination: { page: 1, pageSize: 25, pageCount: 0, total: 0 }
this is before the sending of the data
this is after the sending of the data 
[2023-05-18 22:53:29.256] http: GET /api/energy-consumption (82 ms) 200
 name: 'elasticsearch',
 cluster_name: 'docker-cluster',
 cluster_uuid: 'YhJENNwuRoCCtDdiz5-4kQ',
 version: {
   number: '8.6.2',
   build_flavor: 'default',
   build_type: 'docker',
   build_hash: '2d58d0f136141f03239816a4e360a8d17b6d8f29',
   build_date: '2023-02-13T09:35:20.314882762Z',
   build_snapshot: false,
   lucene_version: '9.4.2',
   minimum_wire_compatibility_version: '7.17.0',
   minimum_index_compatibility_version: '7.0.0'
 tagline: 'You Know, for Search'
Elasticsearch response: {
 took: 1,
 timed_out: false,
 _shards: { total: 1, successful: 1, skipped: 0, failed: 0 },
 hits: {
   total: { value: 9, relation: 'eq' },
   max_score: 1,
   hits: [
     [Object], [Object],
     [Object], [Object],
     [Object], [Object],
     [Object], [Object],
Received response from Elasticsearch: {
 took: 1,
 timed_out: false,
 _shards: { total: 1, successful: 1, skipped: 0, failed: 0 },
 hits: {
   total: { value: 9, relation: 'eq' },
   max_score: 1,
   hits: [
     [Object], [Object],
     [Object], [Object],
     [Object], [Object],
     [Object], [Object],
Total hits: 9
 ############### this is mappedData [
   name: 'phase2',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
   current: 26.112,
   voltage: 234.449,
   activePower: 22517.918,
   cosphi: 0.895,
   powerFactory: 52.639,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
   name: 'phase2',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
   current: 91.742,
   voltage: 226.565,
   activePower: 20896.89,
   cosphi: 1.632,
   powerFactory: 48.576,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
   name: 'phase3',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
   current: 115.652,
   voltage: 239.214,
   activePower: 27142.946,
   cosphi: 0.737,
   powerFactory: 49.227,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
   name: 'phase1',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
   current: 45.439,
   voltage: 243.47,
   activePower: 17125.657,
   cosphi: 0.6,
   powerFactory: 51.718,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
   name: 'phase2',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
   current: 96.779,
   voltage: 232.078,
   activePower: 18535.919,
   cosphi: 1.585,
   powerFactory: 48.039,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
   name: 'phase1',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
   current: 75.899,
   voltage: 222.088,
   activePower: 910.571,
   cosphi: 0.55,
   powerFactory: 52.837,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
   name: 'phase3',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
   current: 27.94,
   voltage: 235.424,
   activePower: 26032.483,
   cosphi: 0.78,
   powerFactory: 48.433,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
   name: 'phase3',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
   current: 116.696,
   voltage: 225.73,
   activePower: 26858.449,
   cosphi: 1.103,
   powerFactory: 49.435,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
   name: 'phase1',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
   current: 102.288,
   voltage: 223.414,
   activePower: 24469.064,
   cosphi: 0.239,
   powerFactory: 48.159,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
 name: 'phase2',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
 current: 26.112,
 voltage: 234.449,
 activePower: 22517.918,
 cosphi: 0.895,
 powerFactory: 52.639,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
 name: 'phase2',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
 current: 91.742,
 voltage: 226.565,
 activePower: 20896.89,
 cosphi: 1.632,
 powerFactory: 48.576,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
 name: 'phase3',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
 current: 115.652,
 voltage: 239.214,
 activePower: 27142.946,
 cosphi: 0.737,
 powerFactory: 49.227,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
 name: 'phase1',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
 current: 45.439,
 voltage: 243.47,
 activePower: 17125.657,
 cosphi: 0.6,
 powerFactory: 51.718,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
 name: 'phase2',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
 current: 96.779,
 voltage: 232.078,
 activePower: 18535.919,
 cosphi: 1.585,
 powerFactory: 48.039,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
 name: 'phase1',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
 current: 75.899,
 voltage: 222.088,
 activePower: 910.571,
 cosphi: 0.55,
 powerFactory: 52.837,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
 name: 'phase3',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
 current: 27.94,
 voltage: 235.424,
 activePower: 26032.483,
 cosphi: 0.78,
 powerFactory: 48.433,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
 name: 'phase3',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
 current: 116.696,
 voltage: 225.73,
 activePower: 26858.449,
 cosphi: 1.103,
 powerFactory: 49.435,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
 name: 'phase1',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
 current: 102.288,
 voltage: 223.414,
 activePower: 24469.064,
 cosphi: 0.239,
 powerFactory: 48.159,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
#############this is results [
   name: 'phase2',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
   current: 26.112,
   voltage: 234.449,
   activePower: 22517.918,
   cosphi: 0.895,
   powerFactory: 52.639,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
   name: 'phase2',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
   current: 91.742,
   voltage: 226.565,
   activePower: 20896.89,
   cosphi: 1.632,
   powerFactory: 48.576,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
   name: 'phase3',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
   current: 115.652,
   voltage: 239.214,
   activePower: 27142.946,
   cosphi: 0.737,
   powerFactory: 49.227,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
   name: 'phase1',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
   current: 45.439,
   voltage: 243.47,
   activePower: 17125.657,
   cosphi: 0.6,
   powerFactory: 51.718,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
   name: 'phase2',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
   current: 96.779,
   voltage: 232.078,
   activePower: 18535.919,
   cosphi: 1.585,
   powerFactory: 48.039,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
   name: 'phase1',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
   current: 75.899,
   voltage: 222.088,
   activePower: 910.571,
   cosphi: 0.55,
   powerFactory: 52.837,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
   name: 'phase3',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
   current: 27.94,
   voltage: 235.424,
   activePower: 26032.483,
   cosphi: 0.78,
   powerFactory: 48.433,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
   name: 'phase3',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
   current: 116.696,
   voltage: 225.73,
   activePower: 26858.449,
   cosphi: 1.103,
   powerFactory: 49.435,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
   name: 'phase1',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
   current: 102.288,
   voltage: 223.414,
   activePower: 24469.064,
   cosphi: 0.239,
   powerFactory: 48.159,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
Transformed data:
 name: 'phase2',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
 current: 26.112,
 voltage: 234.449,
 activePower: 22517.918,
 cosphi: 0.895,
 powerFactory: 52.639,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
 name: 'phase2',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
 current: 91.742,
 voltage: 226.565,
 activePower: 20896.89,
 cosphi: 1.632,
 powerFactory: 48.576,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
 name: 'phase3',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
 current: 115.652,
 voltage: 239.214,
 activePower: 27142.946,
 cosphi: 0.737,
 powerFactory: 49.227,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
 name: 'phase1',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
 current: 45.439,
 voltage: 243.47,
 activePower: 17125.657,
 cosphi: 0.6,
 powerFactory: 51.718,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
 name: 'phase2',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
 current: 96.779,
 voltage: 232.078,
 activePower: 18535.919,
 cosphi: 1.585,
 powerFactory: 48.039,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
 name: 'phase1',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
 current: 75.899,
 voltage: 222.088,
 activePower: 910.571,
 cosphi: 0.55,
 powerFactory: 52.837,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
 name: 'phase3',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
 current: 27.94,
 voltage: 235.424,
 activePower: 26032.483,
 cosphi: 0.78,
 powerFactory: 48.433,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
 name: 'phase3',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
 current: 116.696,
 voltage: 225.73,
 activePower: 26858.449,
 cosphi: 1.103,
 powerFactory: 49.435,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
 name: 'phase1',
 measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
 current: 102.288,
 voltage: 223.414,
 activePower: 24469.064,
 cosphi: 0.239,
 powerFactory: 48.159,
 date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
##############this is the results array  [
   name: 'phase2',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
   current: 26.112,
   voltage: 234.449,
   activePower: 22517.918,
   cosphi: 0.895,
   powerFactory: 52.639,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
   name: 'phase2',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
   current: 91.742,
   voltage: 226.565,
   activePower: 20896.89,
   cosphi: 1.632,
   powerFactory: 48.576,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
   name: 'phase3',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
   current: 115.652,
   voltage: 239.214,
   activePower: 27142.946,
   cosphi: 0.737,
   powerFactory: 49.227,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
   name: 'phase1',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
   current: 45.439,
   voltage: 243.47,
   activePower: 17125.657,
   cosphi: 0.6,
   powerFactory: 51.718,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
   name: 'phase2',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
   current: 96.779,
   voltage: 232.078,
   activePower: 18535.919,
   cosphi: 1.585,
   powerFactory: 48.039,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
   name: 'phase1',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR2',
   current: 75.899,
   voltage: 222.088,
   activePower: 910.571,
   cosphi: 0.55,
   powerFactory: 52.837,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.569Z'
   name: 'phase3',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
   current: 27.94,
   voltage: 235.424,
   activePower: 26032.483,
   cosphi: 0.78,
   powerFactory: 48.433,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'
   name: 'phase3',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR0',
   current: 116.696,
   voltage: 225.73,
   activePower: 26858.449,
   cosphi: 1.103,
   powerFactory: 49.435,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.542Z'
   name: 'phase1',
   measuringPoint: 'MY_SENSOR1',
   current: 102.288,
   voltage: 223.414,
   activePower: 24469.064,
   cosphi: 0.239,
   powerFactory: 48.159,
   date: '2023-05-10T15:48:00.566Z'

but when i try to access is from the navigator , or via postman in a get request , here is the what i find

"results": [],
"pagination": {
"page": 1,
"pageSize": 25,
"pageCount": 0,
"total": 0

do you have an idea why it is happening this way ? any suggested solution ?

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