I have an index with a parent type and a child type. The parent type gets
stored just fine and I haven't seen any issues searching or retrieving it
using it's ID. However I've just noticed some issues with SOME, not all, of
the child type documents.
Shows all the children as expected:
{"took": 5,"timed_out": false,"_shards": {"total": 5,"successful": 5,"failed
": 0},"hits": {"total": 28,"max_score": 11.905941,"hits": [{"_index": "
sample_index","_type": "sample_child_type","_id": "FfuRaL-WRWWutdglmV3gBg","
_score": 11.905941,"_source": {}},{"_index": "sample_index","_type": "
sample_child_type","_id": "ZoofwbnwQuKnJiElwsIVoA","_score": 11.905941,"
_source": {}}
The problem can be shown with the top two results given back. They both are
children with different parents.
If I go directly to the first child ID I get the data back:
{"_index": "sample_index","_type": "sample_child_type","_id": "
FfuRaL-WRWWutdglmV3gBg","_version": 1,"exists": true,"_source": {}}
But if I go directly to the second child ID, it says it doesn't exist:
{"_index": "sample_index","_type": "sample_child_type","_id": "
ZoofwbnwQuKnJiElwsIVoA","exists": false}
Weirdly searching for the _id shows the result:
{"took": 7,"timed_out": false,"_shards": {"total": 5,"successful": 5,"failed
": 0},"hits": {"total": 1,"max_score": 1,"hits": [{"_index": "sample_index",
"_type": "sample_child_type","_id": "ZoofwbnwQuKnJiElwsIVoA","_score": 1,"
_source": {}}]}}
And requesting the _parent field shows that it is definitely a child
{"took": 2,"timed_out": false,"_shards": {"total": 5,"successful": 5,"failed
": 0},"hits": {"total": 1,"max_score": 1,"hits": [{"_index": "sample_index",
"_type": "sample_child_type","_id": "ZoofwbnwQuKnJiElwsIVoA","_score": 1,"
fields": {"_parent": "e15996a6d791742af47477d594c36cdb"}}]}}
The parent with that ID does exist, just in case that matters.
Does anyone know what's going wrong here, or even know where it could be
going wrong?
Thanks in advance.
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