I'm trying to send all information from one elasticsearch node to another in different clusters through logstash. My current inputs.conf is below. It sort of works, but it outputs indexes that are named: %{[@metadata][beat]}-2018.06.01, %{[@metadata][beat]}-2018.05.22, %{[@metadata][beat]}-2018.05.10, rather than metricbeat-2018.06.01, winlogbeat-2018.06.01, heartbeat-2018.06.01, etc. Is there a way to format it so the indexes are copied over correctly in real time?
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [ "HOSTNAME:9200" ]
#query => '{ "query": { "match": { "statuscode": 200 } }, "sort": [ "_doc" ] }'
index => "*"
#size => 500
#scroll => "5m"
#docinfo => true
}output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [ "OTHERHOSTNAME:9200" ]
sniffing => false
manage_template => false
index => "%{[@metadata][beat]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"