Heartbeat indexing not UTC

Logstash indexes UTC, im +5hours UTC so at 8pm every night a new index is started for the next day. Im also using Grafana which is UTC, after 8 it's looking for the next day pattern but the problem is heartbeat isn't UTC by default when indexing straight to elastic.

How do I get heartbeat to write UTC and roll the indices like logstash does?

Hi @richard_N,

A couple of requests to get us started debugging this issue:

  1. What version of Heartbeat are you running?

  2. Could you share your complete heartbeat.yml, with any sensitive information masked out before posting?

  3. Could you post the output of calling the following API against Elasticsearch? GET _cat/indices/heartbeat*?

  4. Could you post the output of calling the following API against Elasticsearch? GET _template/heartbeat*?



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