Heartbeat Resource Usage

I have setup heartbeat-7.5.1-1 on a Centos 7 VM with 6 vCPUs and 4Gb of memory.

This is the heartbeat.yml config I am using:

      path: ${path.config}/monitors.d/**/*.yml
      reload.enabled: true
      reload.period: 1m
      index.number_of_shards: 1
      index.codec: best_compression
    name: name-01
    max_procs: 18
      hosts: ["host-01"]
      worker: 6
      pipelining: 2
        enabled: true
      - add_observer_metadata: 
            name: location-01
    logging.selectors: ["*"]
    monitoring.enabled: true
      hosts: ["host1:9200", "host2:9200", "host3:9200"]
      protocol: "https"
      ssl.verification_mode: none
    http.enabled: true
    http.port: 5066

I am monitoring 140 http endpoints using simple configs similar to:

    - check.response:
        body: pong
        status: 200
      enabled: true
      ipv4: true
      ipv6: false
      mode: any
      name: name-01
      schedule: '@every 1m'
        - TLSv1.0
        - TLSv1.1
        - TLSv1.2
      timeout: 30s
      type: http
      - url-01

I am having troubles with heartbeat not being able to keep up and not pusing all events into logstash. The heartbeat process consumes all the memory available and eventually runs out of swap space and crashes altogether.

Is this an issue of not having enough resources for that many monitors? Or is it a misconfiguration on my part and if so what should I be adding to heartbeat.yml to get better performance?

@ myatrakos This has been fixed in 7.6, can you give it a try?

Hi @shahzad31, I haven't updated to 7.6 yet, but I will give it a go. I'll post back here with the results, thanks!

Looking forward to hearing if this helps, we dramatically improved memory / CPU utilization in 7.6

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