Heartbeat 6.7.0 isnt updating kibana uptime endpoint count


Im trying to deploy a elastic stack on docker and im having some trouble with the heartbeat plugin.

I have my heartbeat.yml like this:


Directory + glob pattern to search for configuration files

path: /usr/share/heartbeat/monitors.d/*.yml

If enabled, heartbeat will periodically check the config.monitors path for changes

reload.enabled: true

How often to check for changes

reload.period: 1s


#- type: icmp

schedule: '@every 5s'


- .*..

- .***.***.

ipv4: true

ipv6: false

mode: any

name: heartbeat

hosts: '{ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS:elasticsearch:9200}' username: '{ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME:}'

#- type: icmp

schedule: '@every 5s'


- .***.***.

- .***.***.

ipv4: true

ipv6: false

mode: any

name: heartbeat

hosts: '{ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS:elasticsearch:9200}' username: '{ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME:}'

and my icpm.yml config looks like this

  • type: icmp # monitor type icmp (requires root) uses ICMP Echo Request to ping

configured hosts

Monitor name used for job name and document type.

name: icmp

Enable/Disable monitor

enabled: true

Configure task schedule using cron-like syntax

schedule: '@every 5s' # exactly every 5 seconds like 10:00:00, 10:00:05, ...

List of hosts to ping

- .***.***.
- .*..

Configure IP protocol types to ping on if hostnames are configured.

Ping all resolvable IPs if mode is all, or only one IP if mode is any.

ipv4: true
ipv6: true
mode: any

Total running time per ping test.

timeout: 16s

Waiting duration until another ICMP Echo Request is emitted.

wait: 1s

The tags of the monitors are included in their own field with each

transaction published. Tags make it easy to group servers by different

logical properties.

#tags: ["service-X", "web-tier"]

Optional fields that you can specify to add additional information to the

monitor output. Fields can be scalar values, arrays, dictionaries, or any nested

combination of these.


env: staging

If this option is set to true, the custom fields are stored as top-level

fields in the output document instead of being grouped under a fields

sub-dictionary. Default is false.

#fields_under_root: false

When i do the command heartbeat test ouput and test config everything is ok.

Im sending the information directly to elastic, i cant figure it out why the uptime feature isnt updating my endpoints, i should have a total of 19 counting with 2 webpages and when i look in kibana the total endpoints is 21.

If you need any more information just ask...

Could you share the content of your log file?

Also can you try to format the config above with 3 ticks before and after to make it more readable?


Thank you for the reply, i already solved this problem.

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