Help kibana did not load properly. check the server output for more information

l used the elasticsearch 6.5.4 and kibana6.5.4 . but l find the error as title when l open the kibana by the f12,l get the error as below. many thanks for help.

Hello @nmgxamdzq

Can you share the kibana server console error so we can investigate?


thanks for your reply,I reproduced the error scene,the log of kibana& chrome as below.

What puzzles me is this mistake does not occur every time,and l find that the chrome can not connect the vendors.bundle.js which is 12M size when error.

It seems that you have a problem connecting to the Elasticsearch cluster. Since when did you start getting this problem? The fact that sometimes it connects sometimes not is indeed strange.

There have been problems since the kibana installation.l installed the kibana on the es master node,and all IP are intranet IP.Interestingly,no error occurred when l open the kibana by the firefox.Is it because chrome can't load the huge js?

I don't think this error is browser related. In the logs from the kibana server that you sent I don't see any error though. Isn't there anything else in the logs that could help debug the error?

Thank you very much for your help. I will pay attention to this issue in the future.If any results I will record here.

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