I need some help rewriting my elasticsearch query.
What i need is:
1- to show a single record if there is an exact match on the two fields verb
and sessionid.raw
(partial matches are not accepted).
"must": [
{ "match" : { "verb" : "login" } },
{ "term" : { "sessionid.raw" : strSessionID } },
2- to show the top 5 records (sorted by _score DESC
and @timestamp ASC
) that match some other fields, giving a boost if the records are between the specified time range.
"must": [
{ "match" : { "verb" : "login" } },
{ "term" : { "pid" : strPID } },
"should": [
{ "match" : { "user.raw" : strUser } },
{ "range" : { "@timestamp" : {
"from" : QueryFrom,
"to" : QueryTo,
"format" : DateFormatElastic,
"time_zone" : "America/Sao_Paulo",
"boost" : 2 }
} },
The code below is almost doing what i want.
Right now it boosts sessionid.raw
to the top if found, but the remaining records are not being discarded.
var objQueryy = {
"fields" : [ "@timestamp", "program", "pid", "sessionid.raw", "user", "frontendip", "frontendname", "_score" ],
"size" : ItemsPerPage,
"sort" : [ { "_score" : { "order": "desc" } }, { "@timestamp" : { "order" : "asc" } } ],
"query" : {
"bool": {
"must": [
{ "match" : { "verb" : "login" } },
{ "term" : { "pid" : strPID } },
{ "bool": {
"should": [
{ "match" : { "user.raw" : strUser } },
{ "match" : { "sessionid.raw": { "query": strSessionID, "boost" : 3 } } },
{ "range" : { "@timestamp" : { "from": QueryFrom, "to": QueryTo, "format": DateFormatElastic, "time_zone": "America/Sao_Paulo" } } },