Help using promises in javascript?

Hi I'm trying to create a flotchart with es but I don't quite know how to
resolve my promise. Here is the code. When I log the promise in my function
I show it's in a pending state but I don't understand how to resolve it AND
get the results into an object that I can then traverse response.hits.hits.

So I guess a few questions:
Do I resolve the promise in Main or in dashboardFlotTwo?
When I resolve it, how do I get the object out into a value I can work with?
Is there a better way to do this?

Any help appreciated.


function MainCtrl() {

promise = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){

  index: events,

  body: {  query: {  bool: { must : [ { range : { "@timestamp" : { "gt" 

: "now-8h" } } }

        ] //end must

      } //end bool

    } //end query

  } //end body




function dashboardFlotTwo() {




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