I am trying to parse the following Log Events in Logstash Using Grok Pattern:
[3/19/19 9:11:44:401 UTC] 0000017f ServletWrappe I com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper init SRVE0242I: [FileNetEngine] [/acce] [/launch.jsp]: Initialization successful.
[3/19/19 9:11:44:299 UTC] 0000017f SystemOut O SUCCESSFULLY LOADED ESAPI_validation.properties via the CLASSPATH from '/ (root)' using current thread context class loader!
The Grok Pattern for this is as follows:
%{DATESTAMP:time} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE:thread} %{WORD:LogSource}%{SPACE} %{WORD:sev} %{NOTSPACE} %{NOTSPACE} %{WORD:ErrorCode}%{NOTSPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:JavaMessage}
So I got the following result for the 1st events as follows:
"time": [
"3/19/19 9:11:44:401"
"thread": [
"LogSource": [
"sev": [
"ErrorCode": [
"JavaMessage": [
" [FileNetEngine] [/acce] [/launch.jsp]: Initialization successful."
But while parsing the second event getting the Unneccesary values in the "ErrorCode(This field should be blank for this Event)", "JavaMessage" etc..
The result for 2nd log event as follows:
"time": [
"3/19/19 9:11:44:299"
"thread": [
"LogSource": [
"sev": [
"ErrorCode": [
"ESAPI_validation" #needed it to be the Blank
"JavaMessage": [
" via the CLASSPATH from '/ (root)' using current thread context class loader!"
Can you please help me with this..