We are using ELK version 8.11.4 and we have 6 hot nodes and 3 warm nodes and 3 master nodes 2 coordinator nodes
When users try to query in kibana discover for example field : value OR field1 : value2 , in the backend (elasticsearch) cpu will gradually increases to 90 ,95,98 until task is completed. Sometimes users try to search more fields values.
If we see query is running is from last 9 minutes we will cancel the task because if we fail to do so kibana will crash. But the thing is who will stop the users and how many times we will cancel the task.
Our ELK cluster is pretty good in hardware 8 core CPU 32 GB heap size in data and warm nodes and 125 shards we are maintaining in Hot and 300 in warm.
CPU Utilisation is High only in Hot nodes. Anyone tell me how to optimise the query and the performance.