High JVM Heap usage for inactive Master node

Hi there,

Can someone please point me in the right direction to understand what could be possible reasons of high heap usage by inactive/idle master node. This node doesn't participate in indexing or querying data and dedicated to master node config so i couldn't understand as to why this node is consuming high heap mem (71.5% max). Generally it goes upto 72% and comes down to 12% and again in few days shows rapid mem growth.

our elk set up is as follows -

  1. 3 dedicated master nodes -
  • out of which only 1 inactive master consumes high heap mem (>70%)
  • other idle master consumes between 6-7% heap mem
  • Finally active master consumes ~40% heap mem
  1. Master node heap mem size - 15 GB (50% of total mem)
  2. elastic version - 6.4.2
  3. 5 data nodes - heap mem is usually between 50-60% which is OK

Thanks in advance

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