Higher score to (boost) documents carrying a certain field value

I am fairly new to ElasticSearch and getting my feet wet so please pardon if I missed any documentation and/or cannot see/understand the usage clearly.

Now, on-to the problem. Following is a simple default mapping I am using to index documents (products) with their associated brand name.

$params = [
'index' => 'test_index',
'body' => [
  'mappings' => [
	'_default_' => [
	  'properties' => [
		'brand' => [
		  'properties' => [
			'name' => [
			  'type' => 'text',
			  'fields' => [
				'keyword' => [
				  'type' => 'keyword',
				  'ignore_above' => 256
			'private' => [
			  'type' => 'byte',
			  'fields' =>[
				'keyword' => [
				  'type' => 'keyword',
				  'ignore_above' => 256
		'product' => [
		  'properties' => [
			'id' => [
			  'type' => 'integer',
			  'index' => 'not_analyzed'
			'name' => [
			  'type' => 'text',
			  'fields' => [
				'keyword' => [
				  'type' => 'keyword',
				  'ignore_above' => 256

The private field has 2 possible values 1 and 0.

As part of the search query, I am trying to push private brands (brands.private) (1) before the non-private brands (0).

Using the query below,

    "index": "test_index",
    "type": "test_type",
    "explain": true,
    "body": {
        "from": 0,
        "size": 20,
        "query": {
            "bool": {
                "must": {
                    "0": {
                        "multi_match": {
                            "query": "some_query",
                            "type": "phrase",
                            "fields": {
                                "1": "product.name^4",
                                "2": "brand.name^3"
                "should": {
                    "term": {
                        "brand.private": {
                            "value": 1,
                            "boost": 5

I am able to boost score but the results still show up non private brands and rightly so since the overall score is still higher than private brands. This makes sense but I need to show private brands first and non private after them. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Another possible alternative I came across was the use of function score value but am not sure if it's the right way to go.

If you need to show all private brands first, then I would sort on the
private field, with the score being a secondary sort. Make sure
track_scores is enabled (which it might be by default). All your private
brands will appear first, sorted by score, followed by the non-private
brands, also sorted by score.

I prefer using function scores over boosting via boolean queries since the
boost level is consistent. Boosting in a boolean query can turn out not to
be linear due to the way the Lucene scoring model works. With function
scores, you know a boost of 5 will boost the overall score by 5. With the
new painless scripting language, scripts should be cached and therefore the
performance penalty should be negligible.



Oh.Yeah. It never crossed my mind, was busy navigating the more complex solutions. Anyhow, so I tried sorting with the following query,

    "index": "test_index",
    "type": "test_type",
    "body": {
        "from": 0,
        "size": 20,
        "query": {
            "bool": {
                "must": {
                    "0": {
                        "multi_match": {
                            "query": "some_query",
                            "type": "phrase",
                            "fields": {
                                "1": "product.name^4",
                                "2": "brand.name^3"
        "track_scores": true,
        "sort": {
            "brand.private": {
                "order": "desc"
            "_score": {
                "order": "desc"

Although I am getting the expected results. However using track_scores seems to have no impact at all except for the fact that not using track_scores show null in scores field. Is this the expected behavior of track_scores? Additionally, for the other approach you shared i.e. using function_scores, is it worth the effort as compared to current solution?

Thank you for sharing a solution!

That is the purpose of track_scores. Lucene will not score documents if
they are not used as the primary sort.

The sort method is the right way to go for this use case. I added the side
note about function score queries since you mentioned using boosts in
boolean queries. I find function scores incredibly useful and are an
excellent way to influence behavior.

Perfect! Appreciate the help :slight_smile:

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