Histogramme grouped by modalities and sum of modalities kibana

Hello, I want to reproduce an analysis like that.

I want to reproduce an analysis with the vega or vega-lite kibana plugin. I would like to associate the total of the sites each day. Here is my vega code. If possible associate an interactive legend with a multiple selection.

Here is the code I want to transform



  "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v4.json",

  "width": 300,

  "height": 240,

  "padding": 5,

 "data": [


"name": "table",

"values": [

{"jour":"A", "site":0, "nb_passage":0.1},

{"jour":"A", "site":1, "nb_passage":0.6},

{"jour":"A", "site":2, "nb_passage":0.9},

{"jour":"A", "site":3, "nb_passage":0.4},

{"jour":"B", "site":0, "nb_passage":0.7},

{"jour":"B", "site":1, "nb_passage":0.2},

{"jour":"B", "site":2, "nb_passage":1.1},

{"jour":"B", "site":3, "nb_passage":0.8},

{"jour":"C", "site":0, "nb_passage":0.6},

{"jour":"C", "site":1, "nb_passage":0.1},

{"jour":"C", "site":2, "nb_passage":0.2},

{"jour":"C", "site":3, "nb_passage":0.7}


"transform": [

{ "type": "joinaggregate",

"fields": [ "np_passage"],

"ops": [ "sum"],

"as": [ "m"]


{"type":"formula", "expr": "datum.nb_passage", "as":"nb_passage"},

{"type":"formula", "expr": "datum.jour", "as": "jour"}




"scales": [


"name": "xscale",

"type": "band",

"domain": {"data": "table", "field": "jour"},

"range": "width",

"padding": 0.2



"name": "yscale",

"type": "linear",

"domain": {"data": "table", "field": "nb_passage"},

"range": "height",

"round": true,

"zero": true,

"nice": true



"name": "color",

"type": "ordinal",

"domain": {"data": "table", "field": "site"},

"range": {"scheme": "category20"}



"axes": [

{"orient": "left", "scale": "yscale", "tickSize": 6, "labelPadding": 4, "zindex": 1},

{"orient": "bottom", "scale": "xscale"}


"marks": [


"type": "group",

"clip": true,

"foreground" : false,

"from": {

"facet": {

"data": "table",

"name": "facet",

"groupby": ["jour"]



"encode": {

"enter": {

"x": {"scale": "xscale", "field": "jour"}



"signals": [

{"name": "width", "update": "bandwidth('xscale')"}


"scales": [


"name": "pos",

"type": "band",

"range": "width",

"domain": {"data": "facet", "field": "site"}



"marks": [


"name": "bars",

"from": {"data": "facet"},

"type": "rect",

"encode": {

"enter": {

"x": {"scale": "pos", "field": "site"},

"width": {"scale": "pos", "band": 1},

"y": {"scale": "yscale", "field": "nb_passage"},

"y2": {"scale": "yscale", "value": 0},

"fill": {"scale": "color", "field": "site"}





"type": "text",

"from": {"data": "bars"},

"encode": {

"enter": {

"y": {"field": "y", "offset": -4},

"x": {"field": "x", "offset": {"field": "width", "mult": 0.3}},

"fill": [

{"value": "black"}


"align": {"value": "left"},

"baseline": {"value": "middle"},

"text": {"field": "datum.nb_passage"},

"angle":{"value": -55},

"fontSize": {"value": 10}








Thank you

I'm not sure I understand your question. What have you tried, and what is not working?

Excuse me for my english.

I want to create a histogram which displays the quantitative variables "nb_passage" of "sites" 0, 1, 2, 3 combined with the total amount for each "jour" modality: "A", "B" and "C".

Okay, I now see what you are trying to do. I see that you have tried doing this in Vega. Can you be a bit more specific about the part you need help with?

Thank you for your interest on topic. First, I would like to make a dynamic aggregate which calculates the sum of the sites then combine the sum of "nb_passage" and "nb_passage" for each site. how to do it without adding by hand? I mean by dynamic computes fields. After, make a dynamic legend. do you have an idea? Thank you.

It is hard to help you without knowing:

  • What have you tried?
  • What data do you have to work with?

Or any other details that might be relevant.


What I tried, you got it by my code posted for the topic.
The data can be found in the posted vega script.
My difficulty is to calculate the sum of the "nb-passage" grouped by the variable "day".

At the end, I want to have a histogram which combines for each "day", the "nb_passage" by "site" and the sum of "nb_passage" for all "site".

here is my vega script that I had to do,



"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega/v4.json",

"width": 300,

"height": 240,

"padding": 5,

"data": [


"name": "table",

"values": [

{"jour":"A", "site":0, "nb_passage":0.1},

{"jour":"A", "site":1, "nb_passage":0.6},

{"jour":"A", "site":2, "nb_passage":0.9},

{"jour":"A", "site":3, "nb_passage":0.4},

{"jour":"B", "site":0, "nb_passage":0.7},

{"jour":"B", "site":1, "nb_passage":0.2},

{"jour":"B", "site":2, "nb_passage":1.1},

{"jour":"B", "site":3, "nb_passage":0.8},

{"jour":"C", "site":0, "nb_passage":0.6},

{"jour":"C", "site":1, "nb_passage":0.1},

{"jour":"C", "site":2, "nb_passage":0.2},

{"jour":"C", "site":3, "nb_passage":0.7}


"transform": [

{ "type": "joinaggregate",

"fields": [ "np_passage"],

"ops": [ "sum"],

"as": [ "m"]


{"type":"formula", "expr": "datum.nb_passage", "as":"nb_passage"},

{"type":"formula", "expr": "datum.jour", "as": "jour"}




"scales": [


"name": "xscale",

"type": "band",

"domain": {"data": "table", "field": "jour"},

"range": "width",

"padding": 0.2



"name": "yscale",

"type": "linear",

"domain": {"data": "table", "field": "nb_passage"},

"range": "height",

"round": true,

"zero": true,

"nice": true



"name": "color",

"type": "ordinal",

"domain": {"data": "table", "field": "site"},

"range": {"scheme": "category20"}



"axes": [

{"orient": "left", "scale": "yscale", "tickSize": 6, "labelPadding": 4, "zindex": 1},

{"orient": "bottom", "scale": "xscale"}


"marks": [


"type": "group",

"clip": true,

"foreground" : false,

"from": {

"facet": {

"data": "table",

"name": "facet",

"groupby": ["jour"]



"encode": {

"enter": {

"x": {"scale": "xscale", "field": "jour"}



"signals": [

{"name": "width", "update": "bandwidth('xscale')"}


"scales": [


"name": "pos",

"type": "band",

"range": "width",

"domain": {"data": "facet", "field": "site"}



"marks": [


"name": "bars",

"from": {"data": "facet"},

"type": "rect",

"encode": {

"enter": {

"x": {"scale": "pos", "field": "site"},

"width": {"scale": "pos", "band": 1},

"y": {"scale": "yscale", "field": "nb_passage"},

"y2": {"scale": "yscale", "value": 0},

"fill": {"scale": "color", "field": "site"}





"type": "text",

"from": {"data": "bars"},

"encode": {

"enter": {

"y": {"field": "y", "offset": -4},

"x": {"field": "x", "offset": {"field": "width", "mult": 0.3}},

"fill": [

{"value": "black"}


"align": {"value": "left"},

"baseline": {"value": "middle"},

"text": {"field": "datum.nb_passage"},

"angle":{"value": -55},

"fontSize": {"value": 10}








In this script you have the data I want to work on.

"data": [


"name": "table",

"values": [

{"jour":"A", "site":0, "nb_passage":0.1},

{"jour":"A", "site":1, "nb_passage":0.6},

{"jour":"A", "site":2, "nb_passage":0.9},

{"jour":"A", "site":3, "nb_passage":0.4},

{"jour":"B", "site":0, "nb_passage":0.7},

{"jour":"B", "site":1, "nb_passage":0.2},

{"jour":"B", "site":2, "nb_passage":1.1},

{"jour":"B", "site":3, "nb_passage":0.8},

{"jour":"C", "site":0, "nb_passage":0.6},

{"jour":"C", "site":1, "nb_passage":0.1},

{"jour":"C", "site":2, "nb_passage":0.2},

{"jour":"C", "site":3, "nb_passage":0.7}


The best I can do is point out this blog post with a bunch of Vega examples: https://www.elastic.co/blog/custom-vega-visualizations-in-kibana

Thanks for the link, I have already explored this link. The difficulty lies in the transformation of the data to have the histogram

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