Hosting Elastic Maps Service Locally with 7.12

Hi Chris,

Sounds like the database directory is not mounting correctly. Maybe try listing the contents of the /usr/src/app/data directory from the container? At the end of your docker run command add /bin/bash -c "ls -lh /usr/src/app/data".

For example

docker run --rm --name elastic-maps-server -it \
   --hostname elastic-maps-server \
   -p 8080:8080 \
   -v "${PWD}/elastic-maps-server.yml:/usr/src/app/server/config/elastic-maps-server.yml" \
   -v "${PWD}/data:/usr/src/app/data" \
   -v "${PWD}/log:/var/log/elastic-maps-server" \ /bin/bash -c "ls -lh /usr/src/app/data"

It should show the planet.mbtiles file in the listing similar to

total 83G
-rw-r--r-- 1 node node 83G Apr  7 16:59 planet.mbtiles
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