How can access nested fields with dots in pipeline processors

Hi all,

I'm trying to access nested fields which names have dots in my pipeline proccessors, but I don't know how

This is my input json:

"customMsgAtts": {
"http.response.status": "200",
"": "OK",
"http.request.verb": "POST",
"correlationId": "67fdce5b6c000b9e63fcc85f"

And this is my pipeline simulation:

"pipeline": {
"description": "apigtw_events_pipeline",
"processors": [
"json": {
"field": "message",
"target_field": "transaction"
"set": {
"field": "transactionresult",
"value": "{{transaction.customMsgAtts.result}}"
"set": {
"field": "transactionverb",
"value": "{{transaction.customMsgAtts.http.request.verb}}"
"on_failure": [
"set": {
"field": "_index",
"value": "failed-{{ _index }}"
"set" : {
"field" : "error",
"value" : "{{ _ingest.on_failure_message }}"
"docs": [
"_index": "my-index",
"_type": "my-type",
"_id": "my-id",
"_source": {
"message": "{"customMsgAtts": {"http.response.status": "200","": "OK","http.request.verb": "POST","result":"OK"},"correlationId": "67fdce5b6c000b9e63fcc85f"}"

The result of the simulation is:

"docs": [
"doc": {
"_index": "my-index",
"_type": "my-type",
"_id": "my-id",
"_source": {
"transactionverb": "",
"transactionresult": "OK",
"message": "{"customMsgAtts": {"http.response.status": "200","": "OK","http.request.verb": "POST","result":"OK"},"correlationId": "67fdce5b6c000b9e63fcc85f"}",
"transaction": {
"customMsgAtts": {
"result": "OK",
"http.response.status": "200",
"": "OK",
"http.request.verb": "POST"
"correlationId": "67fdce5b6c000b9e63fcc85f"
"_ingest": {
"timestamp": "2019-02-21T14:01:37.585Z"

So, I can process result field inside customMsgAtts, but there is no way to process http.request.verb field (empty result)

Thanks in advance,

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