How can I apply a term filter on percolator's id?

Hello everybody,
today I've tried to apply a filter on percolator's id something like this

GET index_test/type/75143/_percolate
  "filter": {
    "term": {
      "_id": "percolator_29684"

but the response is

  "took": 4,
  "_shards": {
    "total": 5,
    "successful": 5,
    "failed": 0
  "total": 0,
  "matches": []

If i put a term condition on another field is ok. Now is there another method to apply this constraint?

Thanks so much

There shouldn't be such a constraint, so this looks like a bug. What ES version are you using?

As a workaround you may want to try to percolate on the _uid field instead:

GET /test/type/_percolate
  "doc": {},
  "filter": {
    "term": {
      "_uid": ".percolator#1"

Thank you so much for reply @mvg.

I've tried with your hint and it works. In dev I've 2.3.0v and in production I've 2.3.1v same error with filter on _id it doesn't work.

@mvg I've tested with elasticsearch 2.3.3 and is the same situation. So is it a bug? However I open an issue on github

Thanks for checking! I think it is a bug too, so it makes sense to open a bug in Github.