How can I check event.field value from a file?

How can I check if the event.field_name value is present in the file? If yes, drop the event otherwise send the event to elasticsearch.

Note: The field_name could have multiple values in that file, and I want to check if the field_name value is present among the multiple values in that file.

You can add a conditional statement in your filter and then drop the event if it matches.

Something like the below.

    filter {
      if [event.field_name] == "value" {
        drop { }

Can we compare with the value present in a file (local storage)?

Yes. If you know all the options for the name you can do something like

    filter {
      if [fieldname] or [fieldname2] or [anotherway] or [afourth] {
        drop { }

Your question is not entirely clear, but if you are asking what I think you are asking you might be able to do it with a translate filter, otherwise you could do it in ruby, use the init option to load the file, build an array of entries, then test array membership in the code option and call event.cancel if you want to drop the event.

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