How can i create dashboard for openedr logs similare to openedr dashboard

i parsed the logs from openedr to elk using filebeat it get parsing!

  1. _id: Unique identifier for the log entry.
  2. _index: Index name where the log entry is stored.
  3. _score: Score of the log entry (typically used in search results).
  4. @timestamp: Timestamp of when the log entry was recorded.
  5. @version: Version of the log entry.
  6. agent.ephemeral_id: Ephemeral identifier for the agent responsible for collecting the log entry.
  7. Identifier for the agent responsible for collecting the log entry.
  8. Name of the agent responsible for collecting the log entry.
  9. agent.type: Type of agent responsible for collecting the log entry.
  10. agent.version: Version of the agent responsible for collecting the log entry.
  11. ecs.version: Version of the ECS (Elastic Common Schema) used.
  12. event.original: The original event data before parsing.
  13. host.architecture: Architecture of the host system.
  14. host.hostname: Hostname of the system where the event occurred.
  15. Unique identifier for the host system.
  16. host.ip: IP addresses associated with the host system.
  17. host.mac: MAC address of the host system.
  18. Name of the host system.
  19. Build version of the operating system.
  20. Family of the operating system (e.g., Windows).
  21. host.os.kernel: Kernel version of the operating system.
  22. Name of the operating system.
  23. host.os.platform: Platform of the operating system (e.g., Windows).
  24. host.os.type: Type of operating system (e.g., Windows).
  25. host.os.version: Version of the operating system.
  26. input.type: Type of input used to collect the log entry.
  27. log.file.idxhi: High index of the log file.
  28. log.file.idxlo: Low index of the log file.
  29. log.file.path: Path of the log file.
  30. log.file.vol: Volume of the log file.
  31. log.offset: Offset within the log file where the entry was read.
  32. parsed_json.baseEventType: Base event type.
  33. parsed_json.baseType: Base type.
  34. parsed_json.childProcess.*: Information about child processes.
  35. parsed_json.customerId: Customer ID.
  36. parsed_json.deviceName: Name of the device.
  37. parsed_json.endpointId: Endpoint ID.
  38. parsed_json.processes.*: Information about processes.
  39. parsed_json.sessionUser: User associated with the session.
  40. parsed_json.time: Time associated with the parsed JSON.
  41. parsed_json.type: Type of parsed JSON.
  42. parsed_json.version: Version of parsed JSON.
  43. tags: Additional tags applied to the log entry.
    these many fields i'm able to see in discover of openEDR logs

will i able create a dashboard like in below formate with malware detection

please suggest