How can i delete my topic from this forum?

How can i delete my topic from this forum?

There are some topics that i want to delete.

How can i do that?

You can flag a topic I think.

And how i can delete or make invisible my old posts?

Flag it and we will look at it.

İ have flagged this topic: How configure Elasticsearch

Can you see it now?

I can't see it as flagged.
But anyway why do you want to remove it?

So, how i should flag it in order to remove it?

There's a flag button.

But still: why do you want to remove it?

Can you see it as flagged now?

Some info in my posts is considered as sensitive (but really it is not), so i need to remove it.

I removed it.

Thanks a lot. Please, delete my other flagged posts.

Dear David,

Please, delete my other flagged posts.

Especially these ones:


Use input plugin data in logstash output plugin to create indices

Can’t discover my filebeat index with kibana

Errors in filebeat

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