"How can I divide a rule into specific time frames in Kibana?

For example, if I want a rule to check logs every 10 hours and apply a 1-hour span for analysis, how would I set this up?"
This is my rule:
from logs-*
| WHERE (CIDR_MATCH(source.ip, "") OR CIDR_MATCH(source.ip, "") OR CIDR_MATCH(source.ip, "")) and url.domain is not null and @timestamp >= now() - 60seconds
| stats upload = sum(source.bytes) by url.domain, source.ip
| where upload >= 600

i want start this rule every hour but i want to sum data for minutes blocks.

In splunk exists span, but in kibana i dont kno about alternative.

@Patrick_Mueller / @ying.mao can we please get some help here?


For the Elasticsearch Query rule type, using ES|QL, you don't need to apply the @timestamp >= now() - 60seconds condition, as the rule adds a filter for this automatically, based on the Time Window parameter.

However, I'm guessing this may not work for your purpose anyway, as it sounds like you need some partitioning / grouping and I assume want to alert on individual partitions / groups.

Currently the rule generates an alert if the search returns ANY matches. So you would need to construct an ES|QL query to work in that fashion.

I can't really help on ES|QL directly, I've used it a bit but am far from an expert. I suggest you post a new question with ES|QL in the title, describing what you'd like to query, and hopefully we can get someone more knowledgeable to help out.