Hi all,
I'm using a structured logging package for Go (https://github.com/sirupsen/logrus) and using Filebeat to ship to our ES cluster. Unfortunately, all the structured fields we're exposing with logrus get wrapped up in a "msg" field that I believe Filebeat creates. This makes us unable to query on the structured fields.
For example, in logrus we have:
"event": event,
"topic": topic,
"key": key,
}).Fatal("Failed to send event")
But on Kibana, we're reading in log records as such that have a field called 'message' which wraps up the logrus payload:
message: {"event":"click","topic":"video", "key"="key", "level"="fatal", "msg":"Failed to send event","time":"2015-08-12T18:47:07Z"}
Is it possible to extract the event, topic, key fields to top-level?